20 things you might not know about pregnancy

Pregnancy is like a miracle - during this period the body and body of the expectant mother undergoes a lot of amazing transformations, which she sometimes does not even guess about. We have compiled the most amazing facts about pregnancy, which make you wonder how little we still know about this phenomenon.


20 little-known facts about pregnancy

  1. It is believed that frequent heartburn indicate the birth of the baby "with hair." This is not a myth - indeed, in most cases, mothers suffering from heartburn have babies with a shock of hair.
  2. From about the fourth month of pregnancy, milk gradually begins to appear in the mammary glands. Often milk can be excreted in young mothers and pregnant women reflexively - with the crying or screaming of any (own or someone else's) child.
  3. The child begins to show emotions in the womb — to laugh, cry, and be sad. Moreover, the crying of the baby in the womb is not always caused by the mental state of the baby, just in this way the baby prepares himself for the complex process of childbirth.
  4. The appearance of bleeding gums during pregnancy and nosebleeds is not a reason to sound the alarm. These phenomena occur due to an increase in blood flow in the body of a woman.
  5. The child is really able to feel the taste of the food that mom eats, because some food aromas penetrate the fetus through the amniotic fluid.
  6. The average weight of a newborn child becomes more and more every year: back in the 80s of the 20th century this figure was 2.7 kg, and at the moment, more and more often children are born with a weight of 3.6 kg or more.
  7. Only 10% of babies are born on time, i.e. in the fortieth week. If the baby is born later than 43 weeks, it is considered to be “born-over”, however, there are facts of bearing the baby for 375 days.
  8. At 3-4 months of gestation, the woman's sense of smell sharply exacerbates - it is believed that in this way nature tries to protect the expectant mother and baby from eating dangerous, poor-quality or stale food.
  9. The number of births of twins and triplets is growing every year - the chances of giving birth to twins are higher in women of large complexion.
  10. Already in the first three months, the baby has nails and fingerprints begin to form.
  11. In 90% of pregnant women, skin color can change, moles appear, age spots - all these manifestations disappear after childbirth.
  12. During pregnancy, the phase of hair growth is lengthened, because the hair looks more luxuriant, healthier and more attractive.
  13. Increasingly, at birth, they resort to cesarean section, especially with multiple pregnancies.
  14. Leg size during pregnancy may increase due to persistent edema and water retention.
  15. The baby in the womb (in the last months of pregnancy) emits more than a liter of urine per day, which he himself drinks.
  16. Of all the available methods of stimulating labor, only the method of “comfort technique” has been scientifically confirmed, which consists in massage of the nipples.
  17. The uterus of a pregnant woman during the period of gestation increases by almost 500 times - from the size of a peach to the size of a melon.
  18. All babies at 4-8 weeks have a tail, which disappears after a while.
  19. By the middle of pregnancy, the expectant mother has pleasant physical and psycho-emotional sensations. Smoking women Do not experience this condition at all.
  20. A song can facilitate delivery - singing causes the hormone endorphin to be released, which helps make childbirth less painful and has a calming effect on the woman in labor.

READ ALSO:Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth. Best selection: 63 myths

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  1. Valeryanka

    Preparing for pregnancy very seriously!
    I bought everything for the baby on the sites of the USA and Europe

For Mom

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