7 signs that a man is not happy to be a father

A male look at a woman’s pregnancy and future fatherhood. Shock, fear and panic are feelings that many men experience from the news of the imminent appearance of a child.

You told the man the good news about your pregnancy, and he did not behave as you expected. Fell into a stupor, and says nothing. Is he not happy that he will become a father?

the man is not happy with the child

It is silent and does not look in the eyes

One of two things: either he is still shocked by the fact that he will soon become a dad, or he was frightened. But he doesn’t look into the eyes because he is ashamed to admit it.

Most likely, a man needs time to accept future fatherhood. Mentally aware of this news, he will find the right words for a conversation with his soul mate.

“I need to be alone”

A man should get used to the idea that he will soon become a father. The stronger sex is much more restrained in their emotions than women. Strong emotions often unsettle men. There is nothing to be done, give him the opportunity to calmly reflect on the situation and get used to his new status.

If your man is afraid to lose his freedom of action, explain to him that giving birth to a baby is not a prison term and that you will take care of most of the baby.

Escapes from home

Leaving home is a frequent reaction of the future father. Most likely, he needs to share the news with his parents or friends, ask for advice. Or he needs to comprehend an important event in solitude.

The main thing is that he does not run away for good. Throwing a pregnant woman is a meanness. You will still have to pay child support.

Let your words slip through your ears

Typical psychological defense. The news was a big surprise for the man, and at the subconscious level, he seems to not hear what you are trying to tell him about. Take calmly what is happening. Give the man time to accept the situation.

the man is not happy with the child

Closes in itself

Most likely, the man is overcome by doubts. Suddenly he will be a bad father and will not be able to adequately raise an heir? Often men make excessive demands on themselves, especially if they have a developed sense of responsibility.

The future father should understand that the baby will be with his mother all the time after birth. In two to three months, the feeling of anxiety will dissolve in the everyday cares of the child. The experience of friends who became fathers is also useful.


The reason for this is the so-called “midlife crisis”, which worries a man long before 30 years. At any age, men are afraid to grow old.

Try to convince your man that becoming a father, he will not turn into an old man, but just grow up. Old and adult are not the same thing.

Experiencing depression

Painful childhood memories can be the reason why a man does not want to become a father. In his imagination, he draws negative pictures from the past, and does not want the child to be in his place.

If the reason is children's fears, a psychologist will help to cope with the situation and heal mental wounds. It is important for a man to realize that not all parents are like his mother and father. What will be the childhood of a son or daughter, in many respects depends on himself.

READ ALSO: male depression after childbirth

Such manifestations of feelings are a typical reaction to such important news for any man. However, do not make hasty conclusions. Of course, it takes a man time to realize future fatherhood and accept the situation. If you convince your beloved that for you he is the best husband and father, his confusion will be replaced by joy and delight!


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