30 week of pregnancy

30 week of pregnancy. The full growth of the fetus reaches 36-38 cm, the weight reaches 1.5 kg. A future mother may have several fears that are associated with future births. How to overcome them?

30 week of pregnancy

Important point

At the time of 30 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should go on vacation, which is popularly called maternity leave. The official name is maternity leave. 140 days are allotted to him if you are expecting one baby. Moms who are pregnant with twins receive a sick leave two weeks earlier.

What month is it?

The 30th obstetric week is the 28th from conception. You now have the eighth lunar month of pregnancy. There will be about ten of them. The calendar months in the whole period fit less - nine with a little. Interesting about dates and their calculations read here.

What happens to the fetus

fetal size at 30 weeks gestation

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid slightly increases and is approximately 0.75 liters. The uterus continues to grow, but your baby grows faster. Now he is already closely under your heart. And yet, the baby still manages to move not only the limbs and head, but also completely roll over.

On the Internet you can often find the statement that now the fetus already distinguishes light from darkness. And if you bring a bright source of light to your stomach, then the baby will surely squint. Is it true?

The eyes of the fetus have long acquired the ability to respond to light sources. But he can take advantage of this only by birth. Just imagine: now your baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid and thick walls of the uterine cavity. Add to this a layer of muscle, subcutaneous fat and skin. No light penetrates through such multilayer shells. So the eyes of the fetus are still in relative peace, and the child himself is in the dark. Reflexively the baby blinks and even moves the eyeballs, but this is only a training session before future births, like all other movements.

fetus 30 weeks

Now many children have a “hairstyle”: the hair on the head becomes thicker. But the fluff throughout the body gradually disappears. The skin of the fetus continues to gradually smooth out due to an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Normally, at the 30th week, the genitals (both girls and boys) should develop to a state like in newborn children. However, this may not happen. For example, in newly born boys, the testes are not always lowered into the scrotum, this gradually happens later.

The development of the cerebral cortex and the formation of new gyruses continue. This process goes all the way to the birth.


Now it’s funny for you to remember how once you could confuse the first tremors of your baby with excessive intestinal activity.Now, every movement is felt distinctly and sometimes painfully. Fetal movements are often a reaction to your actions.

If you notice that the child begins to move less often, be sure to tell the doctor about it. Normally, the baby should calm down only before childbirth - when it becomes very crowded.

The approximate number of fetal movements (norms for the 30th week):

  • per hour - at least six times;
  • within six hours - 10 times or more;
  • for half a day - at least 24 times.

That's how the baby moves at 30 weeks

Fears and anxieties

In the first trimester, many women are afraid to lose their baby. The second trimester usually brings well-being and peace. Now fears may return:

  1. Fear of pain during childbirth. Do not let yourself panic. There are many methods of pain relief for labor. In addition, many women admit that their fear was exaggerated.
  2. "What if they cut me up." Surgery during childbirth is of two types. This is either a caesarean section or a perineal incision. Both of these actions are performed only in the presence of special indications and solely to prevent more harm to the mother and the child. For example, a crotch incision brings much less problems than a spontaneous rupture, which can be quite difficult to sew.
  3. Fear of defecation during childbirth. Numerous stories about such cases make many people panic - "what if I too"? However, at the first stage of labor, bowel cleansing is mandatory. But if defecation does occur, remember: this is a physiological process, absolutely natural. And certainly you should not think about it now, when there is quite a lot of time left before the birth.
  4. Fear of not reaching the hospital. In women’s life, childbirth does sometimes happen in cars, airplanes and at home. If you feel this kind of fear, you can prepare everything you need for a trip to the maternity hospital right now. If you do not drag out with the call or call the ambulance, the baby is likely to be born in a special department of the hospital.

Your feelings

woman's body at 30 weeks of gestation

At this time, many mothers are especially happy with the long-awaited vacation. Finally, you can get enough sleep, stop thinking about work and come to grips with preparing for a meeting with the baby.

Your weight from the beginning of pregnancy to the 30th week can increase by 5.5-10.5 kg. Everything is very individual here. The main indicator of the norm is your well-being, the absence of edema and weight jumps.

Now you can notice that the usual shoes have become cramped, although you do not observe swelling of the legs. The fact is that under the weight of your body, the arch of the foot may slightly flatten. Because of this, the foot may slightly increase in size. If this happens, tight shoes will have to be replaced. After childbirth, the legs will return to normal again.

Still, when you deviate from the diet, heartburn and constipation can occur. You may be disturbed by cramps, swelling, varicose veins. The grown uterus presses on the diaphragm and makes breathing difficult, shortness of breath appears. It happens also because of the increased load on the heart. In our recommendations, you will find tips for each of the conditions.

Late toxicosis requires special attention. You can read about it. here. If you observe signs of this complication, consult a doctor immediately.

Discharge and pain

During this period, something often hurts in pregnant women. This is usually the back, lower back, lower abdomen or legs. Minor discomfort is a common occurrence during pregnancy. However, severe pain requires compulsory attention, report it to your doctor or call an ambulance.

Normal discharge should be weak, without a pronounced color and odor. Any deviation requires examination. Especially dangerous are bleeding and heavy watery discharge. They can talk about the dangers of having a baby before the deadline.

Premature birth

If you cannot convey pregnancy or have to give birth due to complications, the baby has every chance to survive. However, within a few weeks or even months, he will need special medical equipment and supervision.

Visit to the antenatal clinic

At week 30, your doctor may order a blood test for HIV and syphilis. Conducting general tests and tests for blood sugar, a vaginal smear test is not ruled out. It all depends on your condition, well-being and the general course of pregnancy.

Cardiotocography and ultrasound can be prescribed according to indications. During an ultrasound examination, a specialist will check the length of your baby's limbs, the circumference of his head and chest, the condition of the internal organs, the location of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Usually, in the third trimester, a visit to the gynecologist is done once every two weeks.

Photo tummies


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  1. Your food should be fractional, without overeating. Drink plenty of fluids. It should be fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes.
  2. With flatulence, a salad of grated carrots, apples and sour cream helps well. Grapes will have to be abandoned.
  3. Constipation should in no case be eliminated with laxatives. Accustom yourself to the daily use of dried apricots and prunes.
  4. If you feel a heartbeat or shortness of breath, move more slowly. Learn how to correctly calculate the time, so as not to rush anywhere and not be late.
  5. Cough and jelly will help to cope with heartburn.
  6. To avoid dizziness, never change your body position abruptly.
  7. If you get a headache, peace, silence and darkness will help. In such conditions, this unpleasant state is faster.
  8. Communicate with the baby. Stroke your stomach, sing songs, listen to music and read aloud.
  9. Sex should be soft, careful. Do not get tired. Intimate life will have to stop if you are expecting two children. Other contraindications are the danger of early childbirth and oligohydramnios.
  10. Do not forget to issue a birth certificate. This is a special document that you should always carry with you along with your passport, medical policy and exchange card.
  11. Stay up at night with maximum comfort. Stock up on pillows to fit under your back, stomach, and between your knees.
  12. Do not lie on your back, this disrupts blood circulation. You can get reclined when the back deviates at an angle of 45 degrees. From this situation, it is better to first turn to one side, and only then sit down and get to your feet.
  13. If you have insomnia, make the evening as calm as possible during the day. Do not watch movies, especially emotional ones. If you go on a visit or host someone, try to do it during the day.
  14. Make a list of everything you need for the baby and for yourself. Carry it with you to complement or change whenever you want.
  15. Do not forget about the prevention of stretch marks. They can appear on the stomach, chest and hips. Use special lotions and creams or high-quality olive oil.
  16. Carefully avoid infectious and colds. Pathogenic microbes in your blood can harm your baby, like many medicines.
  17. Celebrate training fights. They do not have to be regular.

Before delivery, a little more than two calendar months remain. Make a plan for the time before and after childbirth in order to properly distribute your time and energy.

← 29 week                         31 weeks →

Video guide: 30 week of pregnancy what happens to the baby and mother, swelling of the legs, fears of childbirth

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  1. Anna

    Yeah, the problems with the chair by the thirtieth week, personally with me, turned into a real nightmare. My doctor explained that such a reaction is caused by homons that support pregnancy. I was saved by folk remedies - a spoon of vegetable oil before breakfast, a banana on an empty stomach. And if it was already absolutely unbearable, she put glycerin candles.

  2. Alexandra

    Fears during pregnancy arose constantly, in the beginning, in the middle, in the end and after childbirth. I knew that I was doing everything right, but the obsessive thought in my head that something could happen to a child for a very long time. Saved the presence and help of her husband, relatives and friends. I can’t imagine how women give birth alone ...

  3. Masha

    From about the seventh-eighth month, I began to feel really pregnant when I began to feel constant tremors in my stomach (I remember how frightened it was for the first time), my lower back started to ache terribly, so much so that the massages did not save. Then I just wanted to give birth faster.

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