How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy?

If you are suffering from heartburn while waiting for a child, our article will help you find out the reasons for its occurrence. We will also talk about how to prevent its occurrence during pregnancy and what treatment methods for heartburn to choose if you still have it.

Pregnancy is a difficult test for many women. Well-being during the bearing of the long-awaited baby is often not the best: fatigue, nausea, headaches. During pregnancy, ailments appear that you did not even imagine about before. One of these unpleasant surprises is often heartburn.

heartburn in pregnant women

It arises unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, but it is not only possible and necessary to fight it, but there is a real opportunity to prevent its occurrence.

Causes of heartburn in pregnant women

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach and esophagus are aggravated with an increase in the duration of pregnancy. Heartburn occurs most often in the second trimester. To many women who have experienced the torment of toxicosis, it seems to be its logical continuation. But this is far from the case; the causes of these unpleasant symptoms are completely different.

The main cause of heartburn in all people is the ingestion of gastric juice into the esophagus. There is an obstacle in its path - a special valve called the "sphincter". In the normal state, this organ rarely allows acid to penetrate beyond it, but pregnancy is an unusual condition in all respects.

Why is there heartburn in pregnant women?
Why is there heartburn in pregnant women?

So, consider the causes of heartburn in expectant mothers:

  1. The hormonal background of a pregnant woman is undergoing significant changes. In the body, the level of progesterone rises sharply, which helps to reduce the tone of all smooth muscles, although its main goal is the uterus. Muscle relaxation affects the performance of the sphincter, which allows acid to enter the esophagus.
  2. Also, elevated levels of progesterone interfere with the normal functioning of the muscles responsible for moving food from the stomach to the intestines. Because of this, the digestion process increases in time, which also contributes to the appearance of heartburn.
  3. Uterine growth reduces the space in the abdominal cavity, including reduces the volume of the stomach and pushes acid into the esophagus.
  4. Changes in the hormonal background increase the acidity of the gastric juice, which exacerbates the discomfort during heartburn.
  5. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the cause of heartburn is often the position of the fetus. The kid is already big and with his movements can not only cause heartburn, but do it abruptly and unexpectedly. In this case, not only discomfort in the esophagus is possible, but even nausea and vomiting.

main causes of heartburn

causes heartburn

Unfortunately, no one is safe from unpleasant surprises during pregnancy.Some women tolerate this period completely normal, but in most cases, after overcoming the middle of the gestation period, heartburn becomes a constant and unwanted companion.

Heartburn Medicines

Taking various medications during the period of gestation should be minimized. But this does not mean that you need to endure heartburn and not fight it. Today, there are a lot of drugs that neutralize acid and at the same time do not harm your baby at all.

Such medicines for heartburn for pregnant women have a common name - nonabsorbable antacids. The meaning of their action is to envelop the walls of the stomach, neutralize and partially absorb acid.

You can take medicine for heartburn during pregnancy only with the advice of a doctor! The doctor will help you choose the right drug and establish a safe dosage. The following medicines are usually prescribed for pregnant women:

  • RENNIE. The interaction of calcium carbonate and magnesium, included in its composition, with hydrochloric acid, soluble salts are formed. But it is not worth taking it in the last trimester, like any medicine containing calcium, it can cause ossification in the fetus.
  • Maalox. This is a remedy for heartburn and absorbent. It will help to cope with discomfort for several hours.
  • Almagel. This tool will relieve heartburn for a long time by regulating the acidity of the stomach.

The modern choice of remedies for heartburn is huge, but not all of them are harmless for the development of an unborn baby. Even those medicines that can be taken during pregnancy can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  1. In addition to eliminating hydrochloric acid, antacids can also remove beneficial substances. If you are taking vitamins or other medicines, you should avoid taking remedies for heartburn.
  2. Often, drugs in this group cause constipation, and during pregnancy they often occur without exposure to drugs, for natural reasons. This makes antacid intake highly undesirable.
  3. Magnesium, which is often part of heartburn remedies, can solve the problem of stool retention, but has an undesirable effect on the development of the fetus.

There are many reasons for refusing drugs. Therefore, it is better to resort to folk remedies or endure. Of course, in extreme cases, you can use the help of antacids, but remember the most important thing is to maintain the health of the unborn child.

READ: Pregnancy Heartburn Medicines - 10 approved drugs for pregnant women

Folk remedies

izzjoga-pri-beremennostiAfter reading this headline, many will immediately recall baking soda. Indeed, soda neutralizes acid, but it produces a large amount of carbon dioxide, which in turn contributes to the abundant secretion of gastric juice. Concerning soda will bring only short-term relief, do not expect a sustainable effect from it. In addition, this nutritional supplement can lead to increased swelling.

READ DETAILS: Pregnancy Heartburn Soda - Pros and Cons

In cases where heartburn does not torment much, relief can bring a glass of water or not fried pumpkin seeds. But, as a rule, during pregnancy, burning in the esophagus can torment a woman for several hours, especially before bedtime.

Also, with weak manifestations of heartburn, milk will help if you often drink it in small portions. The effect of this remedy can be enhanced by adding a few drops of fennel essential oil in the drink.

It is best to use medicinal plants to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. A decoction of heather or centaury quickly and for a long time eliminates burning in the esophagus. You can buy these herbs in dried form at any pharmacy.

Of course Before using decoctions of medicinal herbs, it is also better to consult a doctor. In most cases, doctors allow their use, since herbs have virtually no contraindications.

DETAILS: Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn Prevention

As you know, the best medicine is prevention.Of course, pregnancy does not give in to any rules, but even during the bearing of a child, the possibility of heartburn can be minimized.

There are several universal tips that can help prevent an unpleasant symptom:

  1. Try to avoid taking antispasmodics, they can further reduce the performance of the sphincter.
  2. Do not overeat, you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  3. Dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  4. Avoid fatty and fried foods. Sour-milk products, boiled vegetables, baked fruits, boiled meat and fish should prevail in the diet. Fresh bread should also be excluded from consumption, it must be pre-dried.
  5. Do not take a lying position for 15-20 minutes after eating.
  6. Include laxative foods such as beets and plums in your diet. They will help to avoid constipation, which lead to heartburn.
  7. Completely exclude heavy foods from your menu that require long digestion (mushrooms, nuts, chocolate).
  8. Avoid movements that can lead to heartburn, i.e. bending and squats, especially after eating.
  9. Wear loose comfortable clothing, do not tighten your stomach.
  10. Drink more water between meals. Do not drink food while eating.
  11. Dinner should be as light as possible, not include meat dishes.
  12. It is better to sleep on high pillows, since a horizontal position reinforces heartburn.

Heartburn during pregnancy - the phenomenon is common, so do not panic if neither medicine nor folk remedies can save her. Most often, only childbirth can eliminate an unpleasant symptom during pregnancy 🙂

Heartburn alone cannot harm mom and the unborn baby. But if its manifestations are too strong and prolonged, then it is worth going to a gastroenterologist. The doctor will be able to find out the cause of the disease in case it occurs due to exacerbation of gastritis or liver diseases.

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  1. Ekaterina

    In early pregnancy, I did not have symptoms of heartburn, but already at a later date, yes. I tried to help myself with folk remedies, but they were unsuccessful, after going to the doctor I was prescribed Almagel. In my opinion, it is better not to experiment, but to consult a doctor.

  2. Lilya

    Yes, heartburn, with a second pregnancy, oh, and she tormented me when she became completely unbearable, was saved by milk. I’ll take a couple of sips, and let it go for a while, in the evening I tried to eat only vegetables. I didn’t drink any pills, I knew that this “side effect” with childbirth itself would pass.

  3. Ksenia

    Hello. Heartburn is rare. I use the imported drug Rutatsid. On the advice of his girlfriend, and he helps a lot from heartburn. Do not have time to eat a pill, as everything goes away!

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