Toxicosis in pregnant women and how to cope with it

Toxicosis is a common and most frequent complication of pregnancy. WHO statistics show that in the first trimester of pregnancy, up to 90% of all pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. At later stages, toxicosis is less common: they affect about 40% of expectant mothers. Even 21st century medicine is not able to correct these indicators.

toxicosis in pregnant women

Early and late toxicosis

Toxicosis, which begins simultaneously with the onset of pregnancy and lasts up to 12-16 weeks, is called early. Usually this condition is quite easy and does not cause further complications. But early toxicosis can be severe. This occurs in 1-2% of cases.

Late toxicosis, in contrast, is not easy. This is always a serious pregnancy complication, which is dangerous for mom and baby. For example, with late toxicosis in 30% of cases, childbirth occurs prematurely. If you do not take measures, then in 25% of cases late toxicosis is the cause of maternal death during childbirth or soon after them.

Toxicosis during pregnancy occurs only during the period of gestation, in no other life situations does it occur. Childbirth means the cessation of any toxicosis.

Why arises

It is still not known exactly for what reasons toxicosis of pregnant women occurs. There are a lot of theories, some are understood only by professional doctors, here are some of the most common theories:

  1. Neuroreflex. Receptors of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) are irritated by the attachment and development of the fetus. A signal about this enters a certain part of the brain where the nerve centers are located, which are responsible for reactions and reflexes: emetic, olfactory, digestive and the like. The reverse reaction of the brain - this is toxicosis.
  2. Toxic. The fetus produces substances that are foreign to the mother's body. Self-poisoning occurs.
  3. Hormonal With the onset of pregnancy in women, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) rises sharply. Toxicosis is an aggressive reaction of the body to an increase in the amount of this hormone in the blood.
  4. Immunological theory. A fetal egg is half composed of cells that “came” from the father of the child. For the mother's body, they are alien. Immunity responds to this invasion of toxicosis.

Video from Tutta Larsen:

Dates when toxicosis begins

Early toxicosis may occur at any time for a period of four obstetric weeks (see article how to count weeks of pregnancy) Most often, women note the first manifestations of toxicosis at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

What experts say. Doctors sometimes face a special situation: patients complain of toxicosis literally immediately after unprotected intercourse. However, such statements do not indicate a speedy reaction of the woman’s body. There is a psychological side, the excitement of a possible pregnancy. Hence the imaginary signs of toxicosis.

Late toxicosis detected in women for a period of 18 weeks or more.

No pregnant woman is safe from toxicosis. Most often, toxicosis affects:

  • young girls under the age of 18 years and women after 35;
  • overweight women;
  • with diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • with impaired liver function;
  • with chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • harmful conditions of professional activity;
  • toxicosis in previous pregnancies;
  • smoking;
  • multiple pregnancy.

In the latter case, early toxicosis occurs approximately 2.7 times more often than during pregnancy with one child. Late toxicosis occurs more often by about a third.

In addition, toxicosis often occurs during an unwanted pregnancy, which the woman still decided to endure. Usually in this case there is no readiness for motherhood, hence a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of early toxicosis

The Internet can sometimes tell you a dozen signs of toxicosis. Official medicine has a different opinion. The main symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women are only two (doctors call them the clinical picture) - this nausea and vomiting. There are several additional symptoms, they are rare:

  • salivation;
  • dermatoses (rashes, skin itching);
  • pregnant asthma (unexplained asthma attacks that are difficult to treat);
  • pregnant jaundice;
  • tetany (convulsions due to depletion of blood by calcium);
  • osteomalacia (softening of bones due to their poverty in calcium).

As for some other manifestations - increased sense of smell, aversion to food, irritability, they are not clinical symptoms of toxicosis. You can observe these manifestations at any time during pregnancy without any nausea or vomiting.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of toxicosis severity. First: vomiting up to 5 times a day, weight loss of not more than three kilograms. Second: vomiting 5-10 times, weight loss 3-4 kg, blood pressure decreases. Third degree: vomiting 10-25 times, even if the pregnant woman has not eaten for a long time, weight loss - more than four kilograms, temperature rises and tachycardia (heart palpitations) are added to the lowered pressure.

Symptoms of late toxicosis

A group of complications during pregnancy that occur after the 18th obstetric week, doctors call gestosis, or late toxicosis. The danger of this condition is that at first you may not pay attention to it. Only small swelling is noticeable (swelling can be everywhere: on the arms, legs, face). They are charged for long walks or uncomfortable shoes.

That is why doctors especially carefully monitor the weight of pregnant women, often send them to a urine test and measure blood pressure. So they reveal the clinical signs of gestosis:

  • edema external and internal (because the liquid accumulates not only under the skin, but also in the internal tissues of the body);
  • significant weight gain (also often indicates excess fluid in the tissues);
  • protein in the urine.

If late toxicosis is not treated, complications arise:

  1. Various kidney diseases. They are called the common word "nephropathy."
  2. Preeclampsia Sleep may be disturbed. Headaches often appear. It may seem to you that now you will faint: you feel lightheadedness, it darkens before your eyes.
  3. Eclampsia. This is the most dangerous condition. First comes a seizure, similar to epileptic. Muscles contract involuntarily, and nothing can be done about it. Cramps can end in a coma.

What experts say. The sooner gestosis occurs, the more dangerous the situation. If measures are not taken, too many complications may accumulate at the time of delivery.

When will it pass?

Early toxicosis rarely crosses the border of the first trimester of pregnancy and ends in 13-14 obstetric weeks. Sometimes the complication can drag on until the 16th week.

Gestosis (late toxicosis) occurs individually in every woman. Sometimes it passes only after childbirth.

Toxicosis treatment - medical methods

If early toxicosis causes you inconvenience, interferes with a normal life, be sure to consult a doctor. He will conduct an additional examination and determine the severity of toxicosis. With gestosis, it is impossible to do without medical assistance.

Early toxicosis

Severe toxicosis can lead to complications:

  • weight loss
  • palpitations (tachycardia);
  • a constant increase in body temperature;
  • weaknesses.

There are many dangers here. With weight loss, the kidneys may sink. Developing, the baby will begin to “take” calcium from the mother’s body. Then her teeth literally begin to crumble, the gums bleed, brittle bones increase. Maternal blood is deficient in oxygen. So, the baby will almost begin to choke. Doctors call this condition fetal hypoxia, it prevents the child from developing normally.

severe toxicosis

And how to go to work and do household chores, if in the morning there is no strength at all to get out of bed? In this situation, the doctor sends the patient to the hospital. They organize intravenous nutrition, establish water-salt metabolism, provide peace and constant monitoring. Some medications may be prescribed. These are usually vitamins. Or such drugs that relax the uterus (so that there is no threat of miscarriage). All these methods quickly restore the health of mom and baby.

There is another treatment for toxicosis. It is called immunocytotherapy. To do this, they take lymph fluid from the father of the child and inject the mother under the skin of the forearm. In this case, the woman’s body can cope with toxicosis faster. Indeed, half of the baby’s cells contain cells of the paternal organism “alien” to the mother. It is important that the father of the child does not suffer from any infectious diseases, otherwise immunocytotherapy is impossible.

There are various homeopathic remedies. Since these drugs are of plant origin, they have almost no contraindications. Only a doctor can prescribe a homeopathic treatment for severe toxicosis.

Very rarely, no medical measures help to stop or at least alleviate early toxicosis. The condition of the future mother can become dangerous for her life. Then the doctors will make a difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy. Fortunately, now such situations hardly arise.

Nowadays, they try to fight early toxicosis with alternative medicine. If the doctor does not prohibit, then acupuncture, herbal medicine or hypnosis can be used to treat early toxicosis. If early toxicosis causes more likely psychoemotional complications, an electrosleep course or a psychologist's consultation will help.


If late toxicosis manifests itself in a pregnant woman only in the form of dropsy, she can be treated at home. The doctor’s instructions will be as follows:

  • restriction of fluid in food to 1-1.5 liters per day;
  • reduce salt and sugar intake;
  • take herbal sedatives, as well as drugs that increase blood formation.

Attention! With gestosis, you absolutely can not take diuretics!

If the expectant mother has a marked increase in pressure, she will be sent to a hospital.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are indications for urgent delivery. If the pregnant woman cannot give birth herself or there is no time for this, doctors will prescribe an emergency caesarean section. In the later stages of pregnancy, the baby will be saved.

Can toxicosis be avoided?

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Medical statistics show that absolutely healthy women almost never suffer from toxicosis of pregnant women. If you are planning to conceive, be thoroughly examined “the day before” and, if necessary, conduct treatment:

  • exclude excess weight, if possible;
  • cure diseased teeth and gums;
  • sanitize if you have chronic infections;
  • set the day mode (so that there is no overwork).

When pregnancy comes, do a special sport (gymnastics, yoga, swimming) and be sure to walk every day.

These measures will help either completely avoid toxicosis of pregnant women, or relive it easily.

How to beat early toxicosis - recommendations

In no case should you be afraid of early toxicosis. This is unpleasant, but you can survive.

  • In the morning it is advisable to have breakfast before getting out of bed. If you have no one to cook and bring breakfast, take care of yourself. Put a bottle of mineral water, fruit drink, compote (whatever you like) by the bed and put your favorite fruits, vegetables, nuts. The main thing is that the food could not deteriorate overnight. After breakfast, lie down or sit down, think about the good, and only then get up. Are you afraid to fall asleep again? Set a timer or set an alarm.
  • Essential oils are a wonderful remedy. A drop of oil on the pillow will help to overcome nausea in the morning. Carry ginger oil with you and inhale its smell if it suddenly becomes bad. Attention: oils must be natural, substitutes will not help! On the Internet, it is often advised to drip oil directly on the skin of the hand and keep it near the nose. Actually, it’s better not to do that. A good essential oil will easily cause skin irritation. And it’s better not to use the bad at all!
  • If you don't like the concentrated scent of ginger oil, try ginger-added foods (like cookies).
  • If you get sick and sick of transport, it is useful to carry mineral water, an apple, a slice of cheese or some other goodies with you. You will have to conduct a couple of experiments to find “your” product. And if it’s really bad, but getting out of a subway / bus car and other transport is impossible, you will have to stock up with dense plastic bags and wet wipes. Vomited at all? Just say: "I am pregnant!" and don't be shy. Now the most important thing is your well-being and health.
  • If you drink often, but very little, vomiting can be avoided.
  • Of folk remedies for toxicosis, a special collection helps. You need to mix 2 tsp. dry mint, yarrow and calendula flowers, add 1 tsp. Valerian root. Insist half an hour in 400 ml of boiling water, then strain. Collection take 2-3 tbsp. l every two hours during the day. The course is 25 days, then a half-month break is needed.
  • Activated charcoal helps with nausea. But first, you need to consult a doctor about his admission.
  • The salivation attack will pass if you rinse your mouth with infusion of sage, mint or chamomile.

See also methods to combat early toxicosis:

Nutrition for toxicosis

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Another important point during pregnancy is nutrition. If it is organized correctly, toxicosis may be mild or not appear at all.

  1. No greasy, smoked food, give up canned food. Better to steam or bake.
  2. Multi-colored soda contains harmful dyes, which can easily vomit.
  3. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten every day. Plant foods should occupy about a third of the daily diet.
  4. Dairy products are a must. If you do not like just milk, drink kefir and other sour-milk drinks. Those who do not like cottage cheese can be advised cheese. However, it is better that dairy products are not fatty.
  5. If you are addicted to sweets, buy marmalade, marshmallows or marshmallows. Cakes, caramels and chocolates for a while should remain in the past life.
  6. Vitamin B6 for toxicosis is especially useful. This vitamin is rich in eggs, fish, legumes and avocados.
  7. Do you like honey? This is also a good remedy for toxicosis. Remember that this product should not be added to hot drinks - this makes it lose its beneficial properties.
  8. Instead of tea, it is better to drink a special vitamin infusion. Throw in boiling water a tablespoon of rose hips and a couple of apple slices, let it brew.
  9. If you do not have high acidity, lemon water will help (squeeze the juice of half a lemon, bring water to the volume of a glass).
  10. Juice or a decoction of pumpkin will help relieve an attack of nausea.
  11. Eat often in small portions. If possible, eat reclining food.

Why is there no toxicosis?

It is not necessary to think that pregnancy does not happen without toxicosis. If you are in good health, and the conception was planned, toxicosis of pregnant women may not occur at all or be very mild.

There is a situation that you must pay attention to. If toxicosis began, and then abruptly, suddenly stopped, this may mean a frozen pregnancy. Then - urgently to the doctor. Especially if such a sign appeared before the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy.

Be mindful of yourself. In time, choose the methods that will help cope with toxicosis. Be sure to regularly visit your doctor so as not to miss late toxicosis. And then the pregnancy will really be easy.

READ ALSO:The story of one mother: how I became a vegetable due to toxicosis


Video guide

What to do with nausea in early pregnancy

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  1. Ivan

    When my wife was pregnant, only mint candies helped her with toxicosis. She always took a couple of packs with her, and they always were in my pocket. This method was advised by my mother, who was also saved from toxicosis by peppermint candies.

  2. Jana

    Toxicosis is of course a terrible thing. I was incredibly lucky, I was sick in the morning after waking up, but when I had breakfast, everything went away. This has one plus - every morning breakfast in bed)

  3. Julia

    I had terrible toxicosis, nothing helped, I couldn’t eat or drink at all, immediately the vomiting opened, I couldn’t even reach the stomach. The doctor prescribed polysorb, I drank it, although I could eat a little.

  4. Liza

    I was also prescribed polysorb for toxicosis. It helped well, otherwise they were about to go to the hospital already! So try someone who is ill with toxicosis.

  5. Victoria

    My toxicosis began with a week of delay, and very sharply. On the first day, I vomited 6 times, and every day is no better, no worse. Than I just didn’t try to “jam”, I was bored on the second day. Now it’s 12 weeks, and already a week it has become easier, of course toxicosis itself may end, but the improvements have appeared since I sat on a “cold diet” (the doctor advised). I eat all the products in a cool form, in the morning I replace tea with cool milk or I also wait for it to cool completely. And the most important thing is not to interfere with the liquid and food, after a meal I can withstand 2 hours then I drink.

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