10 precautions that parents should educate their child

You can’t always be near your baby, so you should make sure that the child knows how to behave in potentially dangerous situations.

The safety of our children is a very relevant topic, given the time in which we live. According to statistics from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, in the first three months of 2015 alone, 4,500 children became victims of violent crimes. Of these, 90 were abducted and killed, 340 were raped, and 1100 were victims of molestation, including from a close relative. Unfortunately, we will not always be able to be near our baby, therefore care should be taken in advance to ensure that the child knows and understands how he should behave in situations of potential danger.

baby precaution

There are a number of simple rules and skills, by teaching which your child, each parent will be able to feel much calmer. These rules are not a panacea that can guarantee your child 100% safety, but knowing them, any child will be able to sound an alarm in time and will seek help either from you or others.

If the child is lost or lost

Children, by nature, are extremely active people, and sometimes it can happen that, looking at a beautiful car or playing with a toy, a child may lag behind parents and get lost. Especially often this happens in crowded places: shopping centers, beaches, water parks, etc. If this happens, then he must know in advance to whom he can turn for help: policemen, security guards of trading floors or other special personnel. Going somewhere, explain to the child what these good uncles and aunts look like. Also learn with him:

  • his name and surname;
  • the address at which he resides;
  • the names of his parents and close relatives;
  • home phone or mom and dad numbers.

Having learned this information, periodically speak it with the child, and even better, rehearse such situations at home in a role-based form.

When a stranger turns to a baby with a request from you

Recently, in one of the news stories, the journalist conducted an experiment with a psychologist. She, by prior arrangement with her parents, checked whether it was possible to steal the child from the apartment.A big shock for parents was the fact that the children boldly opened the door after Aunt Julia said that she was a mom's friend and came on her behalf to take the baby to her. This pretext was valid in 100% of cases, and, as practice shows, children willingly believe in it.

You can protect your child from such manipulations by people with criminal intentions, inventing a special password. Tell your baby to never go anywhere with someone who does not know this password. The door is also not worth opening. And also - and this is very important - tell the little girl that this password is your secret with him and no one should know about its existence.

READ ALSO: How to teach a child to talk with strangers on the street

Teach your child to use the Internet

There is a computer and the Internet in almost every home today. Most often, our children use them and many parents, unfortunately, do not even think about the harm that thoughtless use of these devices can cause. Pop-ups with pornographic and sadistic materials can cause a child psychological trauma. And inadvertently, an open letter with a message containing a virus or a phishing program can lead to the loss of personal data. The Internet is the place where all sorts of scammers and molesters feel especially safe and free. Therefore, before allowing the child to use the computer independently, explain to him:

  1. What information can not be posted on the Internet and why. For example, in 2010, a wave of apartment thefts swept across Europe by several criminals. They learned from social networks when the owners were planning a vacation and robbed at home during their absence. Therefore, it would be wise to explain to the baby that uploading information about themselves or their parents, their work and time when no one is home is very dangerous.
  2. Describe the range of sites that your child can visit without your supervision. At the same time, remember that any prohibition must be well substantiated and conveyed in its language.
  3. On the Internet, the same rules for communicating with strangers apply as in ordinary life.

Well, make your own efforts to ensure that the use of the Internet is safe for your child: install parental control programs on your computer.

Explain to the child the power that the word no has.

say noChildren by nature are very active, but know little, and molesters often play on this ignorance. Tell the crumbs that it’s not worth agreeing to the offers of strangers - teach him to say no. Let the baby know and know how to use this word. Explain to him that when someone outsider tries to touch him, but he is not happy or it scares him - he should loudly call for help.

Also, the word “no” will help your child resist the pressure of his peers when they try to force him to do something reprehensible, for example, take a cigarette or steal money from his mother. Say that saying the word “no”, he shows strength, not weakness - this will help him throughout his life.

Every literate child
Must know firmly from the diapers:
If your name is swimming,
And to act in films even
They promise to give sweets
Answer firmly ... (no!)
You will be offered a monkey,
Or even money to a bank,
Or even a circus ticket
Answer firmly ... (no!)
They will call to fly to the moon
Riding an elephant ...
There is a simple answer to everything ... (no!)

Communication with unfamiliar uncles and aunts

This rule has something in common with the second, and the recommendations are basically the same - do not talk with strangers. It’s just that the second rule gives advice on how to act for the child when the communication did take place and they try to persuade him to do something, although it’s best if you explain the child that there shouldn’t be such a conversation. Most parents teach their children this and it’s good, but it’s important that the child knows how to use it in different situations, for example, when other people want to give him something.

no-take-strangers-sweetsGifts and treats from strangers are unacceptable

Children like to receive gifts, especially sweet ones, and kidnappers actively use this. therefore your baby should know that you can’t pick up gifts or treats from strangers. The only exception may be your permission. Play a situation at home so that the baby understands how to do it.

When a child wants to go somewhere

Introduce a clear rule that if your child wants to go away somewhere, no matter what age, you should know where and with whom he will be. For example, in a toy store on the trading floor, a child wanted to see something on the next window - let him inform you first about this so that you have the opportunity to watch him. This is important, as one of the most favorite places for kidnappers are toy stores, children's rooms at shopping centers and playgrounds.

Emergency phone numbers

Extreme situations: a fire or a heart attack with a grandmother - most often happens exactly when no one is waiting for them. Adult people know how to act in such circumstances, but for a child this can be serious stress, he may get confused and not know what to do. Therefore, memorize emergency numbers with which he could turn for help.

Emergency phone numbers
Emergency phone numbers

Do not walk alone

It does not matter how old your child is, solitary walks from school home, to the school, or from guests in the dark, can turn into extremely negative consequences for him. Most often, rapists or robbers attack those children who walk along the street alone. One wise book says: “Two are better than one. For if one falls, the other will raise his companion ”(Ecclesiastes 4: 9,10). Therefore, if your child is going to go somewhere or somewhere, let him do it either with a friend or with an adult.

Explain to your child the rules of conduct at home when he is alone.

Children often stay home alone for a variety of reasons, and if your baby has a clear understanding of what you can do at home, when he is alone and what is not, this will protect his life. Explain to the child which appliances he can use on his own and which ones not. Teach him to use gas and electricity. And also explain to him that the doors, while he is alone at home, cannot be opened at all.

These rules are not a panacea and even the most cautious people become victims of criminals, but if you can convey these thoughts to your baby, the likelihood that trouble will happen to him will be minimal. In addition, during such communication, you will get closer to your child even more.


Street child safety

How to teach a child vigilance? If the child is small, the main prevention is control. Do not walk late at night, meet a child from school.

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  1. Anita

    Nowadays, it is very scary for children, especially in winter, when it gets dark early, and the child goes from school and anything can happen to him. Thanks to the phones, the child can be perfectly controlled.

  2. Vera

    Stupid aunt! The phone will not help.

For Mom

For Dad
