7 things you can not do with a child

Ideal people do not exist. Some have bad habits, others do not always succeed in keeping their promise, while others are characterized by excessive emotionality. What to say, how to behave in the company of adults is the personal choice of each person. However, after replenishment in the family, parents have the obligation to raise not only the child, but also themselves.


Mom for the baby is the most dear, beloved person and at the same time the main role model. Being next to her around the clock, the little one unwittingly copies her behavior, words and lifestyle. Especially quickly, kids learn everything bad that they spy on adults. Do not want to make mistakes in education? Then you will come in handy 7 tips from psychologists about what you can’t do and say with a child.

7 "not" in raising a child

Prohibition number 1. Do not ignore safety rules.

All parents inspire their children with safety rules - do not cross the road to a red traffic light, use electrical appliances correctly, turn off the lights when leaving the room. You must follow all the instructions yourself, because the baby takes an example from his parents. If you forget to turn off the iron or close the front door, it will be postponed in the child’s head that this can be done. When he grows up, he will continue to take his own security seriously.

Ban No. 2. Don't lie

Every mother wants the child to not hide anything from her, so she often repeats to him: "To deceive is not good, you should only tell me the truth!" For the baby to be honest with you, he must feel sincerity on your part. Do not lie to anyone in the presence of the child, and most importantly, do not deceive him. Small children easily recognize lies, subtly feel fake notes in their voice.

Can you trust a person who constantly lies and dodges? Hardly. Same thing with the baby. Only a baby, unlike an adult, is still very susceptible to the influence of others. Watching his mother lie, the pean will consider this a normal behavior, and will soon follow a bad example.

Ban No. 3. Do not sit on social networks for a long time

Modern gadgets make our life comfortable, but sometimes they absorb too much free time. Even an adult can easily lose control, especially for children. If the kids constantly observe how their parents communicate on social networks, watch different videos, play online games, they will also become actively interested in virtual reality. If you want your child not to become addicted to electronic devices, turn on your TV and computer less often. Walk more with your child in the fresh air, read books to him, take him to different circles and sports sections.

We also read: The effect of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)

Ban No. 4. Do not smoke

Notations about the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol are useless if parents smoke in the presence of children.Some, of course, hide their bad habits. However, even if you smoke secretly, you should not hope that the child will believe in the sincerity of your stories about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Kids do not understand everything, not everyone can explain in words, but subconsciously they always feel insincerity. In addition, you will not be able to hide the smell of tobacco.

Ban No. 5. Do not use swear words

mother with baby 24

Knowing this world, each child copies adults, including repeating their expressions. If the baby at least once hears a swear word from you, he will certainly remember it, and then will voice it at the most inopportune moment. After all, children do not immediately understand what can be said out loud and what cannot. If you want the child’s speech to be literate, control what you say with him. Try to protect him as much as possible from profanity.

Ban No. 6. Do not quarrel with husband

In every family there are conflicts and misunderstandings, and only a few manage to avoid them. However, all parents must learn that it is impossible to clarify the relationship with the child. Based on observations of adults, the baby forms a model of behavior with the opposite sex. In addition, the parents for the child are the closest people who are associated with safety and comfort. If they start to quarrel, the baby is scared, because in this case his vitality begins to collapse.

Ban No. 7. Do not criticize people close to the child

In the presence of a small child, it is important for adults to carefully monitor their conversations. Children hear everything perfectly, not only words, but also intonations. However, the baby is not yet able to be critical of new information. If he hears something negative from his mother about dad, grandmother, kindergarten teacher or teacher, his system of trust and security will be violated. The more he loves these people, the more trauma you inflict on him with your careless statements about them.

We also read:A friendly family will turn the mountain, or how to overcome differences in parenting

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