Ideal time for a second child

second childWhen you think about giving birth to a second child, numerous relatives will overwhelm you with advice. Mostly they will relate to the ideal age difference between your children. So, you can summarize and figure out what should be the age difference between your favorite kids.

3-4 year difference

Psychologists say that the best option for the difference in age between babies is 3-4 years.

Then your eldest baby will already be old enough. He does not need constant round-the-clock monitoring: he eats himself, dresses himself, knows how to behave on the street, and can play alone.

It should be remembered that the older baby needs to be prepared for the birth of a brother or sister. Your child may be afraid that with the advent of the youngest, he may become unnecessary in your family. He needs to be told that when the baby is born, he will be unprotected and need constant care. He will need to bathe, feed, play with him, since there can be no talk of any independence. Do everything possible so that the eldest child participates with you in preparation for the appearance of the youngest in the family. Find out his opinion: whom he wants more - brother or sister, as he wants to name the baby. Tell him how wonderful it will be if he can help mom care for her baby.

1-2 year difference

If the difference between the eldest and youngest baby is about 1-2 years, it is already more difficult. Children are harder to keep track of. They can rush along the street, scattering in different directions, or interfere with each other's sleep at night. This is harmful to the health of mothers. The body has not yet had time to recover from the first pregnancy, as the second immediately follows. A completely exhausted mother will not be able to fully care for two babies. Plus to this - she needs to maintain order in the house. If mom can’t get full help - she may start depression.

Difference ~ 7 years

second child 7 years differenceWith a difference of seven years between children, you can feel certain advantages: while one child is at school, mother can devote time to the youngest to the fullest. And at the same time, when the older one needs help in preparing for the lessons, the younger one still needs full mom's attention. The best solution in such a situation would be to appoint dad as his personal assistant.

The difference is more than 7 years

With a difference between children over 7 years old, a certain situation arises. An older child is an already formed personality with its interests, friends and needs. Gradually, such children begin to move away from their parents. Of course, your senior assistants will help you take care of the younger one, but there may not be common interests and mutual understanding between children in the future due to too much age difference.

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