Educational programs and cartoons for kids: are they always useful?

In today's world, even the smallest children are hard to imagine without a TV, videos, and a computer. Television has expanded its audience so much that cartoons labeled “0+” have already appeared, recommended for babies. According to the creators, such programs contribute to the development of babies. Are developmental programs useful for children? Can they replace communication with mom?

Educational programs and cartoons for babies

Programs and cartoons for young children are becoming increasingly popular. These are the famous “Teletubbies”, and the heroes of “Sesame Street”, and numerous domestic television programs. How often parents of young children hear from blue screens: “Watch this program so that your child grows up smart” or “Buy this cartoon that develops the baby’s brain.” Many adults are happy to leave their children alone with the TV while they are busy with household chores. Imagine that 40 percent of three-month-old children watch cartoons, while preschoolers spend more than three hours a day on them!

READ ALSO:Some rules for watching children's cartoons

None of the scientific studies have proven the benefits of watching young children develop television programs and videos. However, everyone knows that long sitting in front of the screen can harm a growing body.

Implications of watching TV shows for young children

  1. The first two years are a critical time for brain development. Watching TV prevents your baby from exploring, interacting with the world around him, playing with you and other people, and actively learning about the world around him by manipulating objects. Such seemingly simple actions help the child develop the skills necessary for intellectual, social and emotional growth.
  2. Age from birth to two years is also a critical period for language acquisition. Speech develops only through interaction with other people, and not through passive listening to TV. If you do not respond to the child’s attempts to communicate, your baby may skip this important step. In addition, the baby will not learn to speak, listening to the babble of television characters. Remember, imitation of adults is important for him, from whom he learns simplified, but correct speech.
  3. Please note that when your child smiles at the TV, he cannot smile back. This can negatively affect social and psychological development.
  4. Children who watch cartoons rather than chatting with parents experience problems when they go to school. After all, there you need to listen to the teacher, and not look at him!
  5. Experts say that babies who are actively watching any television program, even developing, have problems with concentration by school age.
  6. Many TV shows and cartoons designed for children do not always teach them the right things. They distort reality with their cartoony and unnatural depiction of reality. And the real world, as the child soon finds out, is much more boring and less colorful.
  7. By the way, in 2008, the High Council of Audiovisual Media of France banned French channels from broadcasting programs intended for children under three years of age. The reason is called that "watching TV shows harms the development of preschool children, causing passivity, slowing down language acquisition, problems falling asleep and concentration, and also dependence on the TV." Enough reason to think, isn't it?

READ ALSO: The influence of American cartoons on the psyche of a child

How to replace television programs?

  • Early development specialists and doctors are sure that children under two years old should not watch TV at all. This also applies to movies and the computer (We read: 10 signs of children's addiction to computer games and the Internet: harm from a computer).
  • If you need to do household chores or do some work, do not seek help from developing programs. Wait until the baby falls asleep, or let him play next to you. Ask your grandmother to sit with the child, because he craves human communication, not cartoons.
  • Talk with your child as often as possible. Answer his smiles while still obscure words and clumsy actions. Entertain him, read nursery rhymes and poems for the smallest, sing along with him. No educational television show can be compared with mother's affection and love. Your voice, touch, smell, reaction to his steps - this is what he needs to grow up smart and capable. Do not let your child be passive (We read: 12 tips for raising a smart baby).
  • Do not expect that watching educational cartoons will have a huge positive effect on intellectual development. In the best case, such programs will help you take a break in order to bring up your baby with renewed vigor.
  • If you still decided to introduce the child to cartoons and television shows, make them as useful as possible. When viewing, talk with the child, sing funny songs to him and read wonderful children's poems.

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Sometimes parents do not have enough time to spend it next to the baby. And then TV and educational cartoons come to the rescue. Only if they can replace live communication, reading books, modeling from plasticine and, most importantly, your love?

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