Choosing a sleeping place for a newborn

Have you already decided where your lump will sleep upon arrival from the hospital? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that your child sleep in the same room as their parents (but not in the same bed). This helps to greatly reduce the risk of sudden infant mortality syndrome (SIDS). However, it is difficult to fit a full crib into the parent bedroom, given that it already has one large bed. Most likely, the first place to sleep a little man is to choose something of a smaller size. We have compiled a list of the most suitable options, from which a caring parent can choose what they like.




Pediatricians primarily consider playpens, such as the Graco Pack`n Play, as a safe place for children, even at night. The playpen meets the essential requirements declared by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in 2012 and is very reliable. Most playpens have breathable sides and a thin, hard mattress to avoid accidents. Please note that sheets are recommended to be used strictly in size, which are usually included. It is also possible to opt for the arena with built-in cradle. However, it must be borne in mind that children quickly grow out of them (upon reaching 7 kg, or when they are made first attempts to crawl) Some cradles can tilt, which does not fully meet the safety of the baby.

What to avoid:

  • Hand-bought items that look erratic or worn. Manege manufactured after 2013 fully complies with modern safety standards.
  • Buying a thick, soft mattress instead of going by default. Pediatricians say that children sleep better on a hard surface (until they get used to soft ones, so try to avoid them). If you want to buy a mattress that does not come with the playpen, make sure it is solid and fully consistent with the size of the crib, leaving no gaps.
  • Mobile (music carousel) or hanging toys that are not fastened securely or those that are within the reach of the child may result in a risk of suffocation. Be careful!



Cradles are available in various variations of models and styles - from traditional ruffled trim to modern luxury ones. Many new cradles come with breathable sides. They allow air to circulate easily, and also make it possible to observe the baby during a night's sleep without disturbing the baby. Pediatricians say that the cradle is only safe when bundled with a hard mattress.It should be borne in mind that usually children "outgrow" the cradle long before they exceed the recommended maximum weight (usually between 7 and 13 kg). Kids become stronger and begin to move actively, more and more in contact with the sides of the cradle.

What to avoid:

  • Cradles with wheels or hinges without a lock can easily move (especially pay attention to this if the baby has older brothers or sisters).
  • Cradles bought from hands or inherited can be not only in a shabby condition, without missing parts, but also made of materials that do not meet modern safety standards. “Always buy a new one — the manufacturer is required to indicate the date the product was made,” says Consumer Reports, a monthly US magazine.
  • Buying another mattress or sheet that was not originally intended for the selected cradle model.
  • Move the folding cradle while inside the baby. Portability is one of the benefits of cradles. However, it is dangerous to move the crib with the child by a snap mechanism or breakage.



The cradle is a classic and compact berth for a newborn. However, increasing safety alertness to prevent early childhood mortality syndrome (SIDS) has forced experts and parents to be wary of cradle swaying movements that can cause injuries or help children roll over on their side or stomach. According to experts, the child should sleep exclusively on his back. When choosing a cradle, it is worth giving preference to new models with a hard mattress and pillow and a blocker that prevents the crib from swinging during the baby's sleep. It is also worth keeping in mind that a newborn can get used to the motion sickness of the cradle and have difficulty moving to a static crib when it soon outgrows it. Some modern cradles are of a sliding type (this means that instead of swaying movement along the axis, they slide at the same level from side to side). There are also models that offer rocking from the head to the legs, and not from side to side, but a static place to sleep is much safer.

What to avoid:

  • Used or donated cradles that do not meet modern safety standards.
  • Volumetric, plush sides and bedding. Simple, hard mattresses and well-sized sheets should be preferred.
  • Cradles without wheel lock and swing function. Never leave a child unattended in a swinging cradle.

Crib with removable sides


A crib with removable sides allowing the child to sleep with his parents without leaving his place to sleep (sliding bed) is the subject of many discussions. Due to the risk of early infant mortality syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend the use of cots for sleeping together or strongly recommends that all safety measures be taken. AARP cannot currently recommend or advise restricting the use of a crib for sleeping together due to many contradictions. Bedside cradles, such as the Arm`s Reach Co-sleeper, are convenient for night feedings. However, do not forget to raise the side back and move the baby's crib away from her to prevent the risk of suffocation. Most cots of this type have a capacity of not more than 9 kg. It is also worth stopping to use the crib as soon as the child learns to roll over on his stomach and rise.

What to avoid:

  • Cots for sleeping with your baby all night.
  • Cots without wheel lock.
  • Mattresses and bedding not suitable for the specific model of the crib.

We also read:Baby is always there - extra beds for newborns

Electronic crib


An electronic crib, such as Fisher-Price Rock n`Play, has become very popular due to its ability to instantly rock a baby with wiggle, vibration and / or music. However, you should not opt ​​for it as a permanent place to sleep. Electronic cribs, swings, vibrating electric swings, as well as children's car seats can really please the baby while awake. In them, children feel comfortable during games and will not let you get bored if mom decides to take a shower. But they are not recommended for a full sleep. Newborns have very weak neck muscles that help hold the head. In such beds, it is difficult to keep your head upright, which can cause injury or suffocation. “If a child falls asleep in an electronic swing, he should be moved to a crib or to another flat surface suitable for sleeping,” recommends the American Academy of Pediatrics. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the child may get used to wiggle during sleep and continue to have difficulty falling asleep in an ordinary bed. Typically, this transition occurs after reaching 12 kg.

What to avoid:

  • Slanted electronic swing. Horizontal models like the Rock`n Play Portable Bassinet are much safer.



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Should I give preference to a cradle, playpen, or any other comfortable place, rather than an ordinary crib? Of course no. Consumer Reports notes that classic beds are the best bargain, as children will not outgrow it even after they learn to crawl. In addition, they are very safe, as over the years they have been set to strict quality control, guaranteeing a solid, flat surface for sleeping. These standards are recommended by the American Association of Pediatricians (AAP). The only drawback of the crib may be that it takes up much more space in the room. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the mini version of the classic baby bed. They fully meet the above quality standards, but children, as a rule, outgrow them faster (after reaching 16 kg, compared with 27 kg).

What to avoid:

  • Cots that were in use or old models that do not meet modern quality standards.
  • Soft sides.

It is not recommended to use

  1. Wicker baskets, which are usually covered with a thick layer of soft stuffing, which can cause strangulation. Such products look great in children's photographs, but are not very practical in everyday use.
  2. Any furniture with a soft or thick mattress, as well as a mattress that makes up the difference with a crib of two or more fingers thick.
  3. Sleep pillows (rollers and positioners). They are very useful from a medical point of view, because it helps to improve the state of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and sudden infant mortality syndrome, however, pediatricians have not found significant evidence of benefit compared to the real danger of suffocation during sleep.
  4. Any broken bed, cradle or other sleeping place without missing parts (even if the item has been repaired). It is necessary to check the screws, screws and snap mechanisms from time to time.
  5. Pillows, blankets, towels, as well as other soft objects are not recommended to be put in a crib, even under a sheet. If it is necessary to lay a layer of soft fabric, it is better to put it under the mattress, and not under the child and a sheet, which is ideally suited to the size of the bed.

Other recommendations

  1. Choose products certified by CPCS, ASTM International and / or the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA).
  2. If childbirth has been performed using cesarean section, the height of the crib should be taken into account. During mom’s recovery period, it is recommended that you bend as little as possible, so a higher bed is preferred.
  3. If you have older brothers or sisters, pets that can get into the baby’s crib, it is better to opt for a double-canopy model or a crib with a mosquito net made of breathable material.
  4. When using absorbent sheets for a mattress, it is worthwhile to pay attention to thin and well-adjacent to the edges of the crib.
  5. The baby can be taken to his bed in order to calm him or feed him, but he should sleep better in his crib, according to the American Association of Pediatricians (AAP).
  6. If you need financial support, you can contact your local organization to help you get a bed and bedding at low prices or for free.

We also read:How to choose a crib for a newborn - what are the cots

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  1. Pauline

    I immediately rule out a crib with removable sides. I think that it is POTENTIALLY dangerous for an infant. An adult in a dream can hurt a child, this is dangerous.
    Buy an ordinary bed with a pendulum, that's all.

  2. Anna

    Oh, it's easy to talk about choosing a sleeping place when, in principle, there is free space in the apartment. When you cuddle with a child of 20 square meters. meters, it is difficult to arrange the crib so as to take into account all the recommendations.

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