Group games for children's party

Children's holidays are unthinkable without entertainment. Group games create an atmosphere of fun and diversity. Therefore, adults must take care of the entertainment program in advance. The proposed selection of games and contests will help organize the leisure of a large company of preschool children.

Games for groups of children

“Find the ball!”

To play, you need a spacious room without traumatic objects and furniture with sharp corners. Blindfold the kids and put them in a circle. Choose a leader, give him the ball or other small object. After the leader throws the ball in an unknown direction, the children should soundly determine the place of the fall and find it. Victory and the place of the leader goes to the one who first finds the ball.

"Spinning Wheel"

For the game you will need small multi-colored balls of the same size yarn and pencils. Divide the game participants into pairs. Give a ball to one of the participants in the pair, and a pencil to the other. At the leader’s command, some children hold pencils, while others rewind threads from balls on them. The winner is the pair that quickly rewinds the threads on the pencil. Then repeat the contest, on the contrary, winding a ball of thread. An additional prize can be awarded to participants who have obtained the most accurate tangle.


This fun game develops attention, observation and reaction speed. Think up a word, for example, “cucumber” and explain to the child that they must say that word in response to all the questions. Alternately ask various questions: “What is in your pocket?”, “What did you eat for breakfast?”, “What does your mother call you?” etc. Anyone who has gone astray and incorrectly answered a question is eliminated from the game. The most attentive player is awarded a prize, which can be used as a cucumber.

"Lamb on the path"

This outdoor game is more for boys. Several pairs of boys can take part in it, and the winners in pairs will compete for a prize among themselves. Draw a straight line with a chalk or felt-tip pen and place the opponents on both sides (if you play in the room, of course, you don’t need to draw anything 🙂) The boys should spread their legs wide, bend over and rest against each other with their foreheads. Hands should be held behind. The goal of the game is to confront each other as long as possible without leaving your place.


For the competition you need toy trucks and plastic glasses. Tie ropes of the same length to the cars and put glasses filled with water in the body. Invite participants to cover a certain distance with the load. The winner will be the one who first comes to the finish line and brings more water.


Put on the floor in front of each participant on the newspaper page.The task of the children is to speed up a ball from a newspaper that fits in a fist. The fastest participant will win. Children made during the game “snowballs” will be able to throw in an impromptu basket and into each other.


Prepare the foliage for the game in advance. It can be cut from newspapers or colored paper. Draw a large circle on the floor and put in the center of the child, who will be chosen as a janitor. The remaining participants in the game are located outside the circle and, on command, begin to throw leaves in a circle. The janitor's task is to sweep all the leaves out for a certain period of time. The participant who will manage to completely clear his territory is awarded.

"Young artists"

Hand out felt-tip pens and sheets of cardboard or a piece of paper to children, having previously cut openings for hands in them. Participants should put on “easels” and, without looking in the mirror, draw a self-portrait. Award the most talented artist with an incentive prize.

In addition to the great pleasure and fun that children receive in the process of group games, they acquire useful skills and develop physically.

We also read: How to celebrate a child’s first birthday at home (scripts and contests)

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