Anonymous from our readers: 4 phrases of my mother-in-law that madly annoy me

If you have a mother-in-law, then, for sure, there are a lot of complaints against her. And the worst part is that there are more and more of them year after year. If you live separately from your parents, then everything is not so bad. But if together, then irritation accumulates exponentially. This condition often leads to a real “war” between two women ...

One mother of two babies and our reader, who wished to remain anonymous, named the four statements of her mother-in-law, which irritated her greatly over the years.


"I knew it!"

This phrase is my mother-in-law’s favorite, as she considers herself a wise woman in life experience, therefore she knows a lot in advance. She pronounces it constantly and in suitable and inappropriate situations.

While meeting, my husband and I (at that time) decided to live together and rented an apartment. However, his father and mother were categorically against and made their conclusion: she "flew" and wants to forcibly marry their boy on herself ...

After a while we got a kitten. During a telephone conversation, the husband told his mother that we had a new “family member”. She simply did not cry out into the phone with her own voice: “I knew that !!!”.


She thought she had become a grandmother and her doubts were confirmed. But when it turned out that she was mistaken, she had to somehow explain herself and she made excuses: “I knew that something would still happen ...” We have been married for several years, and this wisest woman constantly knows everything in advance.

“He has it in me!”

mother in law and grandson

As soon as we had children, we began to find out which of their relatives they looked like. There can be no doubt that all the best for them is from the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law, as well as from the parents through the husband's mother. But my parents and I somehow had nothing to do with it, but only by chance turned out to be involved in the birth of children.

Outwardly look like a mother in law. If you are praised at school or have a humanities ability, then it's all in it, in-law. Quickly grasp everything, is the memory good? - What is surprising here, because it was also transmitted along her line. But everything is not quite outstanding - exclusively from me and my parents.


Once we went with the eldest son to the clinic, the mother-in-law went with us.

When the doctor examined the child, we left the office and waited in the corridor until the doctor made notes on the card. There were other children with their parents, as well as a black boy, the same age as my son. With the baby was the same black dad.

When the doctor took out the cards, the mother-in-law promptly flew up to her and grabbed the one lying on top, and the doctor says: “What a pretty grandson you have, such a rare appearance!” Her husband’s mother immediately answered with pride: “This is from him!” The doctor was very surprised and said that the child still looks like a dad who is sitting next to him.The mother-in-law turned to follow the doctor's gaze. It turned out that she had taken a black child’s card. Everyone laughed, even my husband could not resist, who still recalls this story with a laugh.

“Everything was standing / lying wrong for you, and I did it right!”


Each hostess will find a place for all items in the house (no matter what: towels, spices, cereals, clothes, etc.) and lay them out in a way that is convenient for her. But my mother-in-law has a completely different opinion on this. She is firmly convinced that things in our (and not at all owned by her) apartment should lie in the same place as hers.

Once we asked the mother-in-law to pick up the child from school, feed and look after him until we get home from work.

I prepared dinner, it remains only to warm up, so I told what and where is located.

When we returned from work, my husband’s mother went to her home. The next day I cook breakfast and cannot find spices in the kitchen cabinets, everything else is also arranged differently. I was surprised, well, spun around, forgot, I put it in the wrong place. Then I notice that the dishes are somehow strangely out of place.

Well, I think, probably, the mother-in-law decided to clean up my kitchen. I asked my son what my grandmother was doing. He confirmed my guesses: “Granny said she would do it right, because you have everything not standing there. She put everything right in the closet in the bedroom, put things in order to be always at hand. ”. I quickly go to the bedroom, open the closet and see: everything is shifted, outweighed, in short, “complete order”.

The husband reacted calmly to my complaints: “Honey, mom just wanted to help you.”. And I do not want to poke around in our underwear!

“Professionals know their stuff!”

mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

In no case do I doubt the fact that grandmothers have extensive life experience, but, you see, not in all matters.

For example, they succeed in changing diapers correctly right away, because when they raised their children, they simply didn’t have this necessary thing, and therefore they have no experience in this matter. By the way, many items that facilitate the life of modern parents, then have not yet been created. And here we are already teaching mother-in-law how to use the same diapers.


But grandmothers are not used to giving up! My mother-in-law, to take revenge, decided to show how to quickly put the baby to bed, or rather to demonstrate, “how real professionals do it”. When the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law came to us for some holiday, and I couldn’t put the six-month-old baby in bed, my grandmother decided to demonstrate her professionalism in this matter. She expelled all of the nursery and took up her grandson. After about 10 minutes, the mother-in-law proudly entered the living room. We asked with great doubt: “Did he fall asleep so fast?” Granny triumphantly answered: “Of course! Professionals know their job! ”

Yes, it was her triumph, my husband admired his mother. But before she could sit down, a loud cry of the baby was heard from the nursery. The professional was somewhat surprised ...

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  1. Irina

    I agree with the author, it is rare for anyone to have a cloudless relationship with her mother-in-law and I am no exception, my husband’s mother is also a lady with character. But I realize that this is still a close person, and it is necessary to find compromises, to understand that a person will not change just because I do not like something about him. Surely she herself had the same mother-in-law, who drank a lot of blood from her. Because I try to let something pass my ears. I don’t take offense at the weather because it is cold? 🙂

  2. Anna

    Reading the part about the “order” I directly learn my own story from life. It was the same situation and it is very annoying. Why do people (in this case, mother-in-law) believe that only they can be right? They can’t wait to get into someone else’s life and restore their order. But all people have a different view of things and how it will be most convenient for them.

  3. Elizabeth Os

    You know, but all the same thing happens only in-law, mother-in-law, right one to one. I did not find the mother of my current husband, she died before our wedding. It so happened that for some time we had to live with my mother, there were financial difficulties. My mom didn’t love my husband right away, from the first second. There were no reasons at all., Then I realized that it was all about money. Well, in the end it all grew into hostility, my mother kept telling me all the time - I told you and so on, to take a neher. As a result, we moved out, my husband’s business went uphill, everything was in order with finances and my mother became like silk. Only, you know, it’s too late, neither he nor I will ever forgive her and we will remember that the closest person can stick a knife in the back well.

For Mom

For Dad
