10 things mom doesn't need to be ashamed of

The ten situations listed below will teach moms how to prioritize and get rid of false shame.

Children are happiness, and this is undeniable. But also children - difficulties and problems, and this is also a fact. Probably, any mother can remember a case for which she is later ashamed. But there are things that she should not be ashamed of.

happy mom and baby

1. Challenges of choice

Moms are constantly choosing. For example, baby food: what should it be? Cook the child herself? Buy in jars? Staying Organic? And the mother-in-law claims that she fed her borscht for almost a month. You just need to ignore the voices of well-wishers and listen to the heart. And do not be ashamed of your choice.

2. Breastfeeding in humans

Sooner or later, the moment comes when mom faces a dilemma: to feed the child in a public place or to keep up appearances. You can live with an eye on what people think. Then the baby will remain hungry, and you will bring yourself to a neurosis. But if you get clothes for feeding and accept the fact that you are not showing breasts, but feeding the baby, there will be nothing to be ashamed of.

READ ALSO: Breastfeeding in public. How to breastfeed on the street and in public places - tips and tricks

3. The child behaves ... how the child should behave

Yes, children sometimes cry in vehicles. If it is a bus, you can still go out with the child at the next stop and calm him down. And if he burst into tears on the plane? You are ashamed in front of other passengers. And in vain: as a normal mother, you first of all worry about a clean diaper or a bottle for a baby, and only then about sovereignty for a neighbor who is inconvenient due to a baby cry. You do everything to save the baby from inconvenience, but all kinds of things happen: turbulence, cutting teeth.

4. The child does not want to share toys

But do adults always share everything with everyone? But at the same time, they all learned to share. The child must have personal items. And he will learn how to interact with other people.

READ ALSO: Should a child share toys?

5. Do not try to be a cool mom

Well, yes, someone gives birth even in their luxurious apartments, and in a week already leaves for the winter with the child in hot countries. And you gave birth in a hospital surrounded by doctors, and after giving birth you returned home, and leave if only on the next street. There is nothing to be ashamed of these thoughts, it is better to focus on yourself and the baby.

cool mom with baby

6. Do not sleep, do not wash, do not ...

These “NOT” are many.Even if you have a calm child, you are still not immune from failures: temperature, rotavirus, teeth ... You should not take all this as an obstacle and think that since they have arisen, you are a bad mother.

7. How often should sex be

The amount of sex is always individual. There is no need to be ashamed that there is less sex than before. In any case, discuss this issue, if something bothers you, it is necessary with a partner, and not with girlfriends.

8. Photo of the child in the social network

Moms often post photos of their children, accompanied by apologies made by them. And there’s nothing to apologize for: your child is the best in the world for you, but you don’t want to convince everyone of this. You just can't resist.

9. Don't look stylish

A slender, well-dressed lady in high heels, skillfully combed and painted on, is coming towards you. And you are going to meet her: hair is gathered in a ponytail, there is no make-up, dressed in jeans and uggs. Do not be ashamed of your appearance. Moreover, in clothes like yours, walking with your baby is more convenient.

10. Do not try to keep up with everything

Someone has time, as you think everything. In one hand of such a wonderful mistress, a child whom she cradles, and with the other she chopped vegetables for lunch. She has perfect cleanliness at home, all the laundry is washed and ironed ... Is it wrong with you? Do not be ashamed of this: but you devote time to the child. And dinner can be from semi-finished products.


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