5 useful tips for a novice mom

So that motherhood brings only joy, and the family remains friendly and strong, mother from the very beginning should correctly allocate her time and energy. Our 5 simple tips will help you avoid common mistakes and the resulting problems, which can be very difficult to solve.

advice to young mother

  1. Maintain healthy baby skin and prevent diaper rash - easy if you take care of this in advance. When collecting a bag for a trip to the hospital, put in it diapers for babies weighing from 2 to 5 kg. These diapers are designed specifically for babies.
  2. To restore the body after childbirth and sufficient production of breast milk for the first 4-6 weeks, mom needs a nap. Nature itself gives such an opportunity - up to 6-7 weeks, the baby sleeps almost around the clock, and wakes up only for feeding. Many mothers make the big mistake of wasting this precious time on the household and exhausting themselves greatly. Allow yourself to sleep after dinner. Believe me, washing, cleaning and cooking will suffer these 1.5-2 hours. Yes, and a rested mother is much more important for crumbs than hot cakes and neatly laid out things in the closet.
  3. Well, if you will be helped by dad and grandparents. It is only important to discuss everything in advance so that there are no misunderstandings. Playing with a baby is not a help to mom. Walking with a stroller to dad or grandmother also makes no sense. Let mom do it better, and relatives, waiting for her and the baby, cook, iron, clean the apartment.
  4. Most likely you run into colic, because they are in 70% of infants. If you and your child are not among 30% of the lucky ones who are not tormented by stomach pains, you will have to be patient. Use carminatives to relieve colic and choose fennel-based natural ones instead of chemicals. They are inexpensive, safe for the baby and effective, so they will give the long-awaited sleep and peace to the whole family.
  5. Household appliances, kitchen appliances and hygiene products greatly facilitate the life of a young mother and caring for her baby. Ask loved ones not to flood the baby with toys and children's clothing. Better they buy you a new vacuum cleaner or blender. If friends ask what to give for the birth of a child, ask for a pack of diapers. You need it much more than a standard set of flowers, cake and toys.

These 5 recommendations will help mom create all the conditions for a good rest. It is very important for her to get enough sleep in order to feel good and stay in a good mood. A rested mother is a happy and satisfied mother, and that’s all that a small child needs to be happy.


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  1. Elena

    I agree with all points and they are feasible, except for daytime sleep, and indeed sleep. When you have a baby, sleep is basically impossible. I remember that the first year or more about normal sleep, and there was no question, while both my husband and I did not sleep equally. But since I ate quality, I had milk, despite the lack of sleep.

  2. Sonia

    I would add one more tip from myself. The most important thing is not to panic under any circumstances. Life after the birth of a baby changes dramatically. Preparing for this is morally necessary in advance. If this is not done, then, for example, the second advice simply will not work.

  3. Maria

    It agrees with all points, especially so that the mother herself walks with the child, and parents or relatives better help around the house at this time, because the main thing for the child is that the mother is always there. In general, thanks for the article, it is very interesting, informative and useful, because now there are so many young and inexperienced mothers who need advice more than ever.

For Mom

For Dad
