5 super-abilities of a young mother

Batman is just a mouse, mom is a real superhero! In the first year of a baby’s life, his mother discovers real super-abilities that she didn’t even know about. I’ll tell you about 5 secret forces that appear in almost any young mother as quickly as possible, in the first month of the baby’s life.

super skills young mom

1 Increased perception

Have you ever suspected that you could at the slightest shades of crying to understand what a child needs, and by the contents of the diaper and the amount of milk consumed to judge his health? I personally do not. However, I can confidently say that the cry of a hungry baby is fundamentally different from the cry of a child with a sick stomach.

Mom scans the space of any room with her super-vision for all kinds of dangers: glass, sharp objects, hot appliances, wires, small parts ... Having settled in the hotel with the baby, I did not go to drink coffee or take apart my suitcase, but moved the nightstand with glass doors and put away knives, forks and glasses on the upper shelves.

Mom has to process a ton of information and keep a million details in her head - keep an eye on the baby and interfere with the soup, at the same time thinking over the shopping list and what to put the baby on the street; to put on a screaming baby, driving away a cat and humming a song designed to calm a crybaby.

2 Light sleep

Some future or just giving birth to mothers are afraid not to hear when the baby wakes up at night. But with the birth of a child, an extraordinary ability appears to wake up simultaneously with the baby, from his slightest groaning. It often happens that mothers generally wake up a few seconds before the baby wakes up (and I did!), What is not a super-ability?

At the same time, sleep does not become less quality (deep), mothers even manage to get enough sleep if they get 5-6 hours of sleep per night.

3 Super Speed

Take a shower, wash, brush your hair and put on makeup in 5 minutes while a song is playing on your mobile? Easy! Redo all household chores, take a nap and dine for the baby’s daytime sleep? Sure! Sit on the Internet, chat with a friend, have a snack and drink coffee while the child sleeps in a stroller for a walk? No problem! And if you were released from home without a child for 2-3 hours, then you can relax no worse than after a week's vacation - go to a manicure, have time to walk, run to the store and enjoy the company of adults.

Previously, my gatherings on the street took at least half an hour: to choose clothes and accessories, to get dressed, to fix my hair and makeup ... Now I spend 28 minutes changing my diaper, putting on street clothes for a wriggling and trying to run away child, putting on his own socks and several times shoes (the baby prefers to run barefoot and constantly removes and throws out unnecessary wardrobe items), collect a bag with spare diapers, cookies and a drinker.For the remaining 2 minutes I crash, smooth my hair, pull on my coat and sneakers - and you're done!

4 Absolute noiselessness

After several unsuccessful attempts to move away from the crib of a sleeping child without waking him, mom develops the ability to be completely silent, any spy will envy. And having sex now completely happens without the slightest sound, quickly and in any place, except for the bedroom, where you can disturb the heir's precious dream.

5 Translation from infant

As Doctor Who said, "I’m speaking for children." It turns out that just a few words are enough to conduct a meaningful conversation. For example, my one-year-old son usually expresses his thoughts only with the words “mother”, “woman” and “car”. And yes, I understand what he needs! Moreover, she understood before, when he spoke only “aha”.

We also read: 10 mothers super-thinking that appear after the birth of a baby

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