7 little female secrets that you should not tell your husband

What are women silent about? What little secrets they hide from their husbands and why they need it. So, 7 things that men do not need to know about us ...

Confidence in the family is, of course, good. But women should have little secrets that men, for their peace of mind, лучше better not to know.

So, here is a list of seven things you should not tell your beloved husband about.

women's secrets

1. How much does your handbag really cost

Your husband probably knows that tremendous discounts of up to 90% are very rare, and usually only on "Black Friday". Of course, he does not even imagine who Vivienne Westwood is, but be sure - your sparkling eyes and a predatory smile will tell him much more about the cost of the bag than the name of the famous designer. And let your husband guess that the handbag is not cheap. But here as far as expensive, he still better not to know 😉. And then, as if later I didn’t have to go bankrupt for a sedative - well, why bother with these extra expenses!

2. How much wine did you drink at a meeting with friends

One glass? Or a couple of three? Or a little more, or even a lot more? In the end, your meetings with your friends are so rare that such little things should not cause much interest on the part of your spouse. After all, the rest of the time you are an exemplary wife and a caring mother, can you really not afford to relax at least a little? Can you ?! Then why all of these: “Where have you been?” and “What did you drink?” I don’t understand!

woman with a glass of wine

3. How you look with a green mask on your face

You and your husband live together and, of course, he has repeatedly seen how you look after your face, body and hair, and there is nothing terrible in this. Moreover, your husband saw you without makeup, with sleepy eyes, shaggy, colds, a nose that was sunburned in the sun, and even with those terrible sunburn spots on his neck. It's hard to scare away with film wraps or the stupid hat that you wear when you dye your hair. But the green clay mask is already too much. You do not want your husband’s friends among themselves, giggling, to call you Shrek or the Hulk? Then remember to rinse off the mask before leaving the bathroom.

woman with a green mask on her face

4. What does your mother think about him

Relations with relatives are a delicate matter. It is not worth discussing and complaining to mom about her husband, and husband to mom, this is risky. They will never forget what you have said, and this can lead to a long conflict. So, if your mother decided to wash the bones to your husband and expresses obvious discontent with his behavior or salary, then try to moderate her ardor, calm her down and in no case pass her words to her husband.Conflict is better to prevent than to reap its benefits later.

A thin world is always better than a good quarrel.

5. What do you think of his mom

You can have any relationship with your mother-in-law. She may annoy you with her advice, moralizing, endless demands, trying to set your husband against you, or taking too much part in your family life. But for your husband, mom is sacred. Is always!

It was she who gave birth to him, raised and raised him. She loved him, sat at his bedside when he was sick, smeared the broken knees with brilliant green. It was she who comforted him during the first failure in love, when a classmate threw him, she helped him survive the first hangover and soldered it with brine after turbulent student parties, it was she who put condoms in his pockets so that he would not do things before he met that the one and only. And it was thanks to her that he grew up as the person whom you were able to love.

Remember this when you want to tell your husband everything that you think about his mother, and do not force your husband to choose between you and his mother. Because it is your husband who will suffer first of all.

6. How many kilograms do you plan to lose weight

woman wants to lose weight

Many men hate talking about female diets. First, they do not see the logic in them and do not understand why you want to go on a diet tomorrow and lose weight today? They are surprised that you complain about the excess weight and size of your priests, and at the same time eat a huge piece of chocolate cake at night. Secondly, men are not able to “just regret” or cheer you up. They are on a subconscious level, instinctively looking for ways to solve any problem. So be prepared for the fact that if during the diet you give yourself even a small slack in the form of a tiny dessert - your husband will immediately remind you that you are going to lose weight. Needless to say, you are clearly offended, and now a family conflict is inevitable.

If you are going to go on a diet - sit on it silently! When there are results, then boast.

7. How much money is in your stash

Women's nest egg - exclusively female matter! Every sensible woman should have a little "nest egg". You can save money for unforeseen expenses, in case your child breaks his sneakers, and still has a week to pay, to buy a new dress or blouse, on vacation, on that very handbag or just on a “rainy day” as an airbag.

NO, we do not suggest you withholding money from your husband, the financial issue in the family is often painful without it. The husband is probably aware that you are putting off a little. But if you do not want both of you to regularly get into these savings, you should not constantly tell how much you have already accumulated. Set aside and forget about this money until there is no real need for it.

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  1. Elena

    And there’s another topic that you’d better not talk with your man.Never in any context tell him about your ex! Even if you scold them, and praise him, anyway, he will decide that you are comparing him with someone. So it’s better not to 🙂

For Mom

For Dad
