Visitors in the hospital: why you do not need them in the early days

Why not take a large number of visitors to the hospital? The first meeting of the mother with the baby, the establishment of breastfeeding, hormonal failure, a new regimen of the day and other reasons why you should refuse to receive visitors in the hospital.

When the baby is born, all relatives and friends will certainly want to visit you in the hospital. But hardly any of them thinks about what the newly-made mom really wants and whether she is ready to receive visitors.

mother with baby in maternity hospital

Let's be honest: why visitors should be abandoned in the hospital

Support for loved ones after childbirth is really very important for young mothers - psychologists say so. But at the same time, most of them also note that, being in the maternity hospital, the young mother should first of all think about herself, about her health and spend energy exclusively on taking care of the baby and herself. And for this reason, the number of guests must be minimized. Let's see together why it is worth abandoning a large number of visitors in the hospital.

These moments will not be repeated

It doesn’t matter at all what kind of birth you have: first, second or even third. The main thing is that these few days spent in the hospital alone with your baby will never happen again. The first acquaintance, the first cry, the first feeding, the first gentle hugs - these moments belong only to you and your child. Are you sure you want to share them with an enthusiastic crowd of viewers? Nothing terrible will happen if your joyful noisy relatives with delight and gifts see the newborn a little later. But these days you can enjoy the peace and intimacy with your baby - because you have been waiting for this for so long!

Breastfeeding and Baby Care

gv consultant teaches breastfeeding

Breastfeeding often does not start as well as we would like: both the baby and the mother need some time to learn how to do it correctly. The baby only learns to suckle the breast and cannot always grab it correctly, which is why cracks often appear on the nipples and they bleed. It is unlikely that in such a state a young mother will be pleased to receive crowds of guests and listen to their advice how to breastfeed. It’s better to invite a breastfeeding specialist - it will be much more useful. Relatives and friends can wait a bit.

Hormonal disruption and desire to eat

Hormones continue to rage even after childbirth. They affect the emotional background of a young mother, make her too sentimental. Mom is very emotional, often crying. In such a state, it is better to refrain from a large number of visitors and limit yourself only to a narrow circle: you, your husband and child.

But it also happens that during pregnancy a young mother suffered from severe toxicosis. And after giving birth, she wants to just eat normally.

But seriously, few women feel good after giving birth. Fatigue, swelling, overweight, stitches that have not yet had time to heal - all this directly affects the condition of the young mother. To begin with, she needs to fully recover and recover, and only then receive guests.

New mode

When a baby is born, the day regimen of a young mother (and the whole family) changes significantly. Hourly feeding, nightly feeding, hygienic procedures, intermittent sleep - the first days and even weeks after childbirth, mother’s life passes in a fog. Now it’s important for you to enter a new rhythm, and all visitors can be received a little later.

READ ALSO: What meeting, or a list of strange and funny surprises awaiting you on the day of discharge from the hospital

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  1. Maria

    I didn’t want to see anyone after childbirth. Husband once allowed to come. The birth was difficult and always wanted to just sleep. And even in winter, viral infections are frequent. Why do I need this and my child? For this reason, and after the hospital I tried, as far as possible, to protect my family from annoying relatives.

  2. Elena

    I also gave birth to a son in the winter of February 1. It was still under the Soviet Union. Then, in general, no one was allowed into our wards, and thank God. Communicated with notes or through a closed window on the first floor. And this was more than enough. After the birth, it was definitely not up to the visitors. I wanted no one to jerk once again. And without this, there were enough problems. I wanted to relax an extra minute, rather come back to normal.

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