The opinion of mothers: is it possible and necessary for a child up to 3 years old to give salt and sugar. + Consultation of Dr. Komarovsky and Professor of Pediatrics Sergey Nyankovsky

It’s hard to imagine adult food without the addition of salt and sugar. What about baby food? Can a child under 3 years old eat salty and sweet foods? And will they not harm a small growing organism? Four mothers spoke about such a diet.

salt and sugar to the child

First opinion: Salty and sweet foods need to be taught immediately!

Elena, 27 years old, mother of Ilya (1 year. 3 months.)

Every mother must feel how to feed her baby, what time and how. I gradually added salt and sugar to each dish as soon as I introduced complementary foods. I believe that salt is needed to maintain the water-salt balance in the body. Well, without sugar in any way!

Think for yourself, from birth, he drinks breast milk, which is sweetish in taste. Will he really eat fresh food after that?

From the age of 10 months, my Ilyusha already eats any dishes from the general table, sometimes I even add a little pepper. This is what is included in our diet: borsch, kharcho, pilaf, buckwheat with meat and vegetables, pickle, dumplings, pancakes, pies, fried potatoes, stewed potatoes with meat, cheese, cookies, etc. It seems to me that if a child is restricted from eating since childhood, then when he grows up, on the contrary, he will attack and begin to abuse junk food. Just do not immediately pounce on me with reproaches, because I'm not talking about stuffing the baby with endless sweets and drink carbonated drinks. I just think it’s complete nonsense to stand all day in the kitchen and cook steamed cutlets of turkey and broccoli.

Natalia, mother of Olya (1y. 11mo.)

While still pregnant, I read a bunch of smart books and articles and decided that I would not give salt and sugar to my child. But in reality it turned out to be much more complicated. My daughter refused to eat such food, she spat out any vegetable puree, both home-made and purchased by various companies. And when I was completely desperate, I decided to try to salt the puree with sea salt, it was about 7 months. She ate it with pleasure! From that moment I realized - you don’t need to think that salt and sugar will harm your child, because today they are found everywhere - in children's yogurts, canned mashed meat, cookies. As soon as Olenka turned one year old, we completely transferred her to the common table. Of course, at this time we had to slightly reduce the salt and sugar in the dishes and abandon the hot seasonings.

My daughter is now almost two years old, and I can proudly say that she is growing up a healthy child. We do not have caries and kidney problems either.By the way, she doesn’t beg for sweets from us, but half a year ago she loved pickles very much :). If you really want to, then her body needs it ?!

As for sugar: many of my friends replace sugar with fructose, but I personally do not advocate this. I read a lot of information that fructose is a concentrated substance, which means that it contains more calories than regular sugar. And this can already provoke obesity. So it’s better the old fashioned way - we were raised on salted soups and sweet cereals - and I will do the same, because we grew up alive and healthy!

Dr. Komarovsky: At what age can sugar and salt be for a child?

Dr. Komarovsky tells at what age you can give sugar and salt to a child:

Another opinion: Salt and sugar should not be used in baby food!

Svetlana, mother of Vladislav (4g.) And Arseny (1g.)

I will never understand and will always condemn those mothers who give borshch to their baby at 3 months, sausage and salted fish at 6 months, and chocolate stuffed with chemical additives in a year, while they are happy that their child is so pleased with everything it is eating! Of course, the above is an extreme, but I believe that in principle, a child under 3 years old does not need salt and sugar.

Some argue that “the baby tastes better”, but, dear parents, let's not forget that the taste buds and kidney capabilities of children cannot be compared with adults. In childhood, there is no need for salt and sugar!

A vivid example of this is our family. Nobody at us uses salt and sugar. We prepare all dishes from fresh and natural products. For adults, sugar is replaced with stevia, and salt with kelp powder, we use good spices from spices. By the way, healthy eating and sports training can work wonders! Often on the street, outsiders mistake me for my children’s older sister.

Both my sons have never in their life tasted salty and sweet food, and do not ask for it. This is the main reason that I am my children I will never send to the state kindergarten with their kindergarten food.

Hope, Violetta's mom (2g. 7mo.)

My daughter tried several times both salty and sweet food from our adult table, but usually I cook her separately and only fresh meals. Our common table is immediately excluded, since our husband is Georgian and prefers spicy oriental cuisine with all kinds of seasonings, adjika and red pepper. And my daughter has atopic dermatitis, so I need to be very careful and careful in choosing food for her, because food with salt, sugar and seasonings immediately causes an exacerbation of the disease. I want to start adding salt and sugar to dishes only after 3 years.

It’s not difficult for a child to cook separately. I try to prepare in advance more cutlets and meatballs from chicken, turkey and rabbit, freeze them, and then cook for a couple in a double boiler or slow cooker for a couple, add vegetables. It remains only to boil rice, buckwheat or boil the broth with noodles, and this also does not require much time and effort. My daughter accepts such food well, except when the teeth are teething, so I believe that it is not necessary to intentionally improve the taste of food for the child with salt and sugar.

We also read:

Professor of pediatrics Sergey Nyankovsky: salt and sugar in complementary foods. Is sugar and salt needed in a child’s diet for up to a year?

Is sugar and salt needed in a child’s nutrition for up to a year? How does the use of sweetened or salted foods in a child’s diet affect their health and development? Professor of pediatrics Sergey Nyankovsky answers questions of salt and sugar in baby food:

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  1. Irina

    I would not give the children either one or the other. As glucose, how should I give natural sucrose. I don’t understand the parents who feed the babies so that they don’t act up. Everything from parental laziness.

  2. Tanya

    It is important to understand that everything should be a measure. During the preparation of the first feeding, I added salt to my baby’s food, and added a bit of sugar to teas. I see nothing wrong with this, and salt is even useful. Of course, sugar should not be carried away, but in reasonable quantities and it should be present in food.

  3. Natasha

    I believe that everything is good in moderation. Of course, you should not give the little child purchased sweets and chips, but completely fresh and tasteless food is not an acceptable option. In addition, salt and sugar have beneficial properties that support the health of the body.

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