10 things to teach a child in the first 3 years of life

The creator of innovative concepts for the education of young children, Masaru Ibuki, states that it is in the first 3 years of a child’s life that abilities are laid that can later develop into talents (the best-selling book by Masaru Ibuka “It's Three Too Late After Three”) So at this time it is important to pay special attention to the development of crumbs. Raising a baby physically and intellectually, one should not forget about the moral and ethical side. Show a little patience - and very soon you will be truly proud of your child.

child education

1. Empathy with others and responsiveness

These qualities are formed at a very young age. The child must understand that someone at the moment needs his attention, participation, help. Not because he will be awarded sweets, etc. for the assistance shown, but simply because it is right when people help each other.

2. The ability to admit their mistakes

Apologizing can be very difficult even for an adult, let alone a small child. Yes, the boy may have offended the girl, but he still does not understand that his actions can hurt someone or hurt him. He just did and forgot. You can not go on about the baby if he was objectively wrong. It is important to formulate the basic norms of morality in the child: what is good and what is bad, what is possible and what is not. The child himself must learn to analyze the situation so that in the future he does not make such mistakes, or admit that he is wrong, and ask for forgiveness.

3. Compliance with order and personal hygiene

Obviously, taking care of your body and personal things is what you need to teach your child from early childhood. A neat appearance, toys put in place, clothes laid out on shelves - this forms neatness and good habits in the kid.

We also read: How to raise responsibility in a child

4. Sociability

We all live in society, so we have to constantly communicate with people. The task of parents is to teach the baby to get acquainted, make friends, make friends during games. The child will need communication skills very much in the future, so pay due attention to this aspect.

5. Safety Rules

You can’t put your fingers in the socket, go out with strangers, play with matches, cross the road to red, play on the roadway .... These and other safety rules must be laid in the mind of the baby from childhood and bring their implementation to automatism. Then in the future you do not have to blame yourself for hindsight.

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6. Courtesy

Hello, goodbye, thank you, please these are elementary words that a child must hear from his very birth. You may not even have to constantly explain their meaning, the main thing is to put elements of communication in the crumbs consciousness.Words of gratitude, courteous treatment with others inherent in childhood - all this will be very useful to the baby in adulthood, will help him adapt to any company and any situation.

7. What is personal space and personal belongings

Explain to your child that there are mom’s things and dad’s things that you can’t touch. Vasya also has his own machine in the yard, and your baby has his own. If he wants to play with Vasya’s typewriter, he must ask permission. It is difficult to explain such things to children, but you need to do this. Otherwise, the child will grow up selfish, confident that only his things and his desires exist.

8. Where does the money come from

All parents are familiar with the situation when a baby in a store stops at each shelf and shouts: "Buy it!". It is difficult to refuse him, even if you were not going to buy him one hundred and first machine today, and there are exactly the same candies at home. You can avoid such situations if you apply some financial tricks. When going to the store, divide the money into small groups. Explain to the baby why you will need each amount: “here we take milk, this bread, this chicken, and this bar of chocolate.” Do not take too much and teach your child to spend money rationally.

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9. The desire to complete what has been started

Children often do not finish what they have begun - due to age or through the fault of their parents, who did not explain that if they got down to something, they need to finish it. How to convey this thought to the baby? First, give him small assignments - to help his mother wipe the dust, put things in the closet after a walk, remove the toys. If the baby does not manage itself, offer your help. When he is done, be sure to praise him so that the little man feels his worth.

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10. The ability to share

It is important to explain to the child what personal belongings are, but sometimes situations arise when you need to share something with your own - for example, a candy or a toy, but you never know what (the situations are different). Of course, you should not snatch from the crumbs from the hands of his beloved teddy bear in order to give it back to the neighbor boy. It is important to put a simple truth into the mind of the baby: there are situations when you need to be able to share with your neighbor what you yourself have. No one can explain such things better than parents.

Here are the simple 10 lessons that you need to give your baby in the first 3 years of life. Remember that the child is your continuation. Educate him by investing in him only the best. In this case, having matured, the child will be grateful to you for your efforts.

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  1. Alyona

    I agree that you need to instill courtesy and respect from an early age.I never understood mummies who too nanny their child, and then an ordinary callous egoist grows out of him.

  2. Eliza

    In order to teach a child compassion, it is necessary to show it to him by his own example - to animals in the house, to the sick and old people. The same goes for personal hygiene with order. If parents and their children clean up and take care of themselves, this skill will be put into habit. Otherwise nothing, since children, like a sponge, absorb our behavior.

  3. Alyona

    I never understood mummies who too nanny their child, and then an ordinary callous egoist grows out of him. I always thought that the best information can be taken from books. I try to read books to my little miracle, which speak of respect, courtesy and kindness.

For Mom

For Dad
