6 rules for raising children from Jewish mothers. Their wise advice will come in handy for everyone!

Jews are very kind to their children. A happy childhood and the well-being of children is almost a national idea for them. Most likely, these basics of upbringing then help adults to be self-confident, purposeful and feel comfortable in this life.

Here are 6 wise parenting rules that Jewish moms use. Take note of them, and then your child will grow up a harmonious and happy person!

raising a Jewish mother

1. My child is gold. Just sometimes doing stupid things. The Jewish mother will not only not say, but will not even think that her child is bad. From her we will hear: “How could such a wonderful boy make such stupidity?” Disobedience, pranks - this is characteristic of children. A constant criticism of the child only nurtures the complexes in him. Therefore, the child is always good! Only his deed can be bad. The purpose of education is to find the reasons for this act and get rid of them.

2. A child can do everything except what is not allowed for him. In Jewish families, children are allowed a lot, do not scold at trifles, do not pay attention to petty misconduct. But there are things that can never be done under any circumstances. This applies to respect for elders, study, health and other important things. These prohibitions are few, but they are inexorable.

3. The world must know how beautiful my baby is! It is worth praising the child and be proud of him not only alone with him, but also in conversations with friends, acquaintances, relatives. This is so normal for Jewish parents, but so unusual for us ... Give your child the opportunity to understand how proud you are of him, and he will try to please you even more.

4. Be happy in your family so that the child is happy in his. The child does not repeat much in the Jewish family, do not report. He just sets a good example. The child constantly monitors your actions and adopts them. If you want to teach a child to enjoy life - rejoice yourself! Want him to live happily - be happy!

5. Parenthood is a science. Children in a Jewish family are raised so that they grow up as good parents. Through games and fun, parenting methods are laid, and parenting courses are taught in schools and synagogues.

6. The child must be busy. There is less time for stupidity. Jewish children get used to regular activities from early childhood. This helps them grow persistent and work hard on their dreams.

We also read: Raising a child in Tibetan traditions

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