7 examples of how parents encourage child misconduct

Children are sometimes characterized by pranks and pampering. But if for some such behavior is rare, that is, children who are more likely to rarely behave well and very often indulge, which brings a lot of concern to parents, who themselves are often provocateurs of children's disobedience. Here are 7 main causes of poor child behavior.


1. Unfulfilled promised punishment

Any parent is familiar with this situation: the child is very indulgent. To stop mischief, punishment is applied, for example, in the form of a ban on watching TV or walking. However, after a while, anger is replaced by mercy, and the promised punishment is successfully forgotten.

In the future, such parental behavior will lead to the fact that the child will completely ignore the requests of the parents, because the punishments are still not brought into effect.

2. Bullying

One of the most undesirable and futile methods of punishment. According to studies, children who were threatened with something for lying, lied much more often.

3. Scream

By increasing the voice, the words will not become more intelligible, and the child will not immediately begin to fulfill the voiced requests. On the contrary, relationships can be significantly worsened.

4. Corporal punishment


Children's psyche is very sensitive. Beatings, as a means of punishment, severely “deform” it, which provokes the occurrence of the following manifestations on the part of the child:

  • increased irritability;
  • isolation;
  • aggression.

Self-esteem also suffers, and trust in people disappears. Most likely, the child will look for ways to avoid pain than to correct bad behavior.

We also read: To beat or not to beat a child - the consequences of physical punishment of children

5. Inconsistency

Consider an example: until the end of the day, the child was forbidden to eat sweets or watch cartoons until he sleeps. However, in a flash of childhood hysteria (how to deal with childhood hysteria: psychologist's advice) sweets and cartoons are used by parents as a means of sedation. In other words, the forbidden becomes available. As a result, the child begins to realize that hysteria is a great way to get what you want. Parents for the child become the subject of manipulation.

6. Continuous excuses

You should not expect constant good behavior from children. Periodic indulgence on their part is normal. Especially when it comes to early age, when it’s not yet common for kids to control their emotions and give them definitions. Also not an exception - high school students who can be quite stubborn. However, if phrases are constantly spoken from the lips of parents: “He is very tired,” “She just wants to eat,” and the like, this is a clear sign of the constant justification of her child. It’s worth considering.

We also read:10 reasons for poor child behavior

7. Affection for child misbehavior

Rocking in a chair in a cafe, running around the store, eating food with your hands, followed by licking your fingers and other manifestations of rude children’s behavior may seem “pretty” to parents and cause them only a smile on their face, a desire to admire. However, for people around them who are nearby at such moments, such behavior is unlikely to cause emotion. To avoid such “ugly habits”, parents need to tell their child about the rules of behavior.

Of course, age is of great importance. It is impossible or difficult for very young children to understand what is bad and good behavior. However, they all feel and absorb on a subconscious level. For this reason, it is advisable from childhood to teach children to understand and listen to their parents than to retrain them at a later age.

We also read: What to do if the child does not obey you?

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  1. Kira

    Now we need another article on how to discourage poor child behavior and what measure to prevent bad behavior? Personally, I’m guessing, because I used everything described above and I grew up a completely normal person.)

  2. Marina

    A child from childhood must be taught obedience. We have the best perceived method of “carrot and stick”. The most difficult thing is to survive children's tantrums and not to deviate from their demands. And this is sometimes very difficult to do.

  3. Elina

    It seems to me that so that the child would not behave aggressively and not be capricious, it is necessary from the very beginning to engage in his education from the very beginning!
    My son almost never acts up, unless he stays with grandparents, because “mother’s son”
    It’s not necessary to set conditions like “if you don’t do it, you won’t get it”
    Children do not need to know what IMCO settlement is

  4. Polina Medvedeva

    If your child’s behavior doesn’t suit you, look not yourself! Children mirror parents ..

For Mom

For Dad
