8 bad habits that we instill in children

The child learns everything that he sees and hears from adults. Our children are copying us. This is a truth that we often do not attach importance to. But in vain. Children are our little copies. They notice everything, involuntarily taking offensive words from us, a negative attitude and mood. All together, this develops into habits that form a youthful character. In the case of good deeds and actions of adults, this works with a plus sign. But when copying our bad habits, children absorb and fix such a negative for a long time. What bad habits we pass on to children.

Why do children copy us

In childhood, all children want to be like their moms and dads. We adults are an indisputable authority for them. Watch your child play. You will notice that he repeats your words, manners, gestures and movements. Children adopt the model of behavior that adults around them adhere to.

bad habits in children

As you can see, the responsibility of parents for how their child grows up is very high. So let's show the children a good behavioral model with positive tastes, attitudes, mood. But it is not enough to tell them about this; one must become an example of such behavior. This means that getting rid of bad habits is necessary first of all for adults.

“Be the way you want to see your children”

Where do we start? Let us recall our bad habits, which we, one way or another, “pass” by inheritance to our children.

1. Aggression and bad mood

Conflict with a colleague at work? Lack of money? Personal failures? The reasons that cause us a bad mood and aggression are many. And we bring all this negativity to the house. And then Masha needs help with homework or Petya wants to play with you. So we dump all the negative energy accumulated during the day on the kids: we talk nervously (even with someone else), irritably or reluctantly answer questions, justifying ourselves with busyness and fatigue. The child, absorbing this negative, will share it with others, and outbreaks of aggression will become the norm for him.

mother’s aggression

2. Gossip

How sometimes you want to wash the bones with friends from work or friends who, again, in your opinion, did something wrong. And still they will not hear. Why not share in the family circle about what everyone around is stupid / ugly / lazy and so on? It is only a pity that our children at this time wound around the mustache: it is normal to discuss and condemn others.

3. Gadget Dependence

How often do we repeat to children that we can’t always sit at the computer or “stare” at the phone / tablet all the time. At the same time, we often correspond with someone on social networks or check mail at the table during lunch.Double standards are quickly noticed by the child, so words about the harmful effects of gadgets will not have any effect on him. If you prefer the virtual world to the real, why is it impossible? Show your child the best aspects of the real world: walk more, communicate with people, play live games in nature.

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4. Violation of social norms and rules

Think about how you behave in public. Do not give way to the elderly in transport? Cross the road in the wrong place? Leaving trash after you? Children will do the same. Your model of behavior in society will be copied by them and become the norm of life. Therefore, do not break the rules yourself and accustom your children to this.

5. From little lies to big deception

Agree that we do not always tell the truth, justifying it with necessity or some good purpose. Especially when we do not want to do something previously promised. And it’s especially easy to do this by phone. "Sorry, I feel so bad, I can’t meet with you / I can’t send you a report." We immediately come up with excuses for ourselves. And note to the children, who, by the way, will practice this type of lies in the first place ... who would you think? Lies remain lies anyway. We do not advise you to resort to lies and all sorts of tricks, even for the good of the child himself. Subsequently, he will do exactly the same; it is possible that he will lie to you. Frequent desire to lie will become a habit.

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6. Alcohol and cigarettes

The example of a parent drinking or smoking a lot is certainly negative. In the future, the rock always becomes addicted to children of such parents. Do you need this? Why not teach your children to run every morning, do exercises, eat right? It is these habits that should become their second nature.

7. Attitude to others

You can’t fool children. Children always watch how we communicate with others - in shops, in government offices, behind the wheel, at a party. And they notice all the details. If we are hypocritical, if we become rude and aggressive, proving our innocence, if, on the contrary, we get lost and cannot defend our rights. And, most importantly, if we do not give love to loved ones and friends. Children take as a basis your model of behavior and communication. Think about what qualities they should take with them into adulthood? Maybe this thought will help you rethink something in yourself.

8. Foul language

Well, you hit yourself with a hammer on your fingers, or a cup flew out of your hands - this is no reason to start swearing, especially in the presence of children. If it’s so hard for you to give up this habit, try to find a suitable replacement for the most “bright” words in your vocabulary. You do not want to learn from teachers, teachers and other mothers in the yard, as your child colorfully calls the other children!

Remember that your values ​​will certainly become the values ​​of your children; your habits - over time, they will increasingly manifest in your children. To pass on to your children a spiritually rich heritage, become yourself the bearer of good habits, of which, in general, a person is formed. And do not forget to truly love children. Remember this is your greatest legacy 🙂

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