What to do when children bite each other?

Often, small children bite each other. This unpleasant situation puts parents in an awkward position. They do not know what to do and how to react. How to be How to behave so that this does not happen again. Let's try to figure it out.

baby bites

Trouble can happen in the kindergarten, at school, on the playground, at a party. Your child may bite or your child may bite another baby. Even a little sister or brother can bite.

The behavior of a brisk baby always depends on the situation, circumstances, temperament and age of the child. A child can be just naughty and cocky. Carefully study all circumstances of the case. Reason everything correctly. Do not get excited. Try to get into position. But first, be sure to provide first aid to the injured baby.

Your child was bitten

Be careful about the situation. Listen to the following tips and the right ones.

  • Tip one: try not to panic

Calmness in this situation is very important. A child crying from an insult must be reassured. Remember that children are completely different. They are different in temperament, perception of situations and character.

Mom or dad, of course, will not be very pleased to see a dentition or bruise on a beloved child. Moreover, children usually bite into the most prominent places: by the face or hand. But you have to come to terms and admit the situation.

  • Tip two: be sure to provide first aid

Your first action: wash the bite with water and soap. Such measures are sufficient in the absence of severe damage. When you get to the house, smear the place with a special ointment (for example, the Rescuer). This will facilitate quick healing. If the skin is still damaged, treat it with an antiseptic. Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are well suited for these purposes.

If the wound is very serious and causes concern, seek medical attention.

  • Tip Three: understand the incident

If the incident occurred in a child care facility, find out everything from adults (teacher, educator). Ask: how did your child behave at this moment, how did the offender behave, did your baby help, if your child was frightened.

Talk to the abusive parents. Try to keep your tone, do not scream. Be extremely calm and reasonable. Know that often little children bite only at a young age. It is worth surviving when the baby is older than three years. It is difficult for a child up to 3 years old to explain that this cannot be done. Most young children bite. Only if the child is older than three years and the parents are powerless in terms of weaning from the bad habit of biting, they need to contact a psychologist.

  • Tip Four: talk with your baby

Try to convey to your child that with children who constantly bite, you need to behave like this: do not come close to the bite, in no case put your face on the offender, do not suffer pain and scream loudly if the offender began to bite.

  • Tip Five: take care of the bite site

If the bite was strong, then the wounds may not heal for a long time. Bites to the face area are especially scary (the eye area is the most dangerous). If a swelling or swelling suddenly appears on your face, consult a specialist doctor for help.

If a deep wound is visible, then to the doctor.

If a child’s bite wound does not heal long enough and there are the symptoms listed below, go see a doctor.

Symptoms severely inflamed wound, swollen wound, pus comes from the wound (other discharge is possible) - to the doctor.

Vaccinations from a bite by children, of course not. But if you are very worried about this, ask an exciting question to your doctor.

Your child has bitten

baby bitesWhat to do if the culprit of the situation is your beloved child. Do not worry. A lot depends on age. If your baby is under three years old, then the bite was probably caused by anger or severe irritation. Why did he bite, you ask? The child is still very small and he does not know how to express his true feelings and emotions. Therefore, the child bites. In any case, this cannot justify a bad deed. It is necessary to explain that it is absolutely impossible to do so. It hurts another person.

Do not let the kid even bite someone from a close circle (grandparents and other relatives) as a joke. If nevertheless this happened, be sure to inform the baby that the mother is very upset by his behavior. Explain that such an act caused severe pain to another person. Give an example that if suddenly he will be bitten, what he will be like.

And finally, recommendations:

  1. Keep an eye on your baby’s psychological balance.
  2. Do not burden his psyche.
  3. At home, play more calm games.
  4. Let your baby be near the TV and computer as little time as possible.
  5. Do not be angry or shout at the baby yourself.
  6. Spend extra energy on the street, actively running and playing.

After three years of age, the baby understands different situations and can say something and explain. Moreover, he knows well that a bite brings unpleasant, and when severe pain.

Talk with your baby constantly about the rules of conduct. Remind me that biting other people is very bad. Remember that you do not need to do this after the next incident, but constantly talk on this topic.

If your words do not reach, and he continues to bite, take away his favorite toy. That is, punish the bite. In addition to toys, you can come up with another punishment. For example, refuse to go on a visit to the theater, circus. Be sure to explain your actions. In the end, the baby must understand that you can’t bite, his parents are not happy. Mom and Dad do not want their child to bite.

If the child continues to bite aggressively, consult a specialist for psychological help. Most likely, your baby has a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. The specialist will find out what is the matter and tell you what to do next.

We also read 10 reasons for the poor behavior of children - https://imammy.htgetrid.com/en/psihologiya-detey/10-prichin-plohogo-povedeniya-detey.html

Why do children bite

How to wean a child to bite


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  1. Ivan

    We also had such a problem. In the kindergarten, one child was constantly biting someone from the group. Later, the mother of the child said that in childhood, when the child was playing with his father, the latter loved to bite him as a joke. Everything depends on the parents.

  2. Anya

    Faced such a problem, but my child bit everybody in the kindergarten. The problem was solved by a child psychologist. It was not a violation of the nervous system, the kid simply did not like this kindergarten. The problem was solved by transferring to another kindergarten. Yes, we had a somewhat unique case, but maybe our story will help someone.

  3. Olga

    In my childhood I just met such a situation. I went to kindergarten, where there was a girl who really bit everyone, including me, the bites were huge, and I also bit with such anger ... amazing. Educators talked to her, her parents naturally were not on the sidelines. Each time after she bit someone, she was bitten back and not by the children, but by the teachers, in order to show how painful it was, her parents were not opposed, although this method scared everyone. But (according to the stories of my mother), about 2 weeks passed and that's all, the child calmed down. The method is of course strange, but as it turned out to be effective.

For Mom

For Dad
