Mom Stories: My Baby Beats Me

Mom of two children (3 and 10 years old) Olga shared her story with readers. She described how her three-year-old son aggressively reacted to bans, what she felt at the moment when the child was angry and beat her. Olga shared with readers how she dealt with this problem and named the most effective way.

How to deal with the assault and aggression of a three-year-old child? The real story of mom

baby beats mom

The situation is painfully familiar. Until 3 years, the child was an angel in the flesh. All praised him, set an example to other children. At the age of three, he seemed to be replaced. My grandmother would say in this situation “jinxed”. Here you will involuntarily believe in it, because such manifestations of aggression in my direction from the youngest son cannot be called normal in any way.

The first time this happened on the playground in front of strangers. When Nikita took the toy away from the girl, I went over and took it. In response, my son hit me. At that moment I wanted to fall through the ground.

Then worse. That was all: tearing out the hair, pulling back the earrings on the ear, tweaking, biting, scratching, kicking. The child resembled the main character of the movie "Omen", where the boy was the son of the devil himself.

Each time I reassured myself, took a deep breath and mentally said: "He does this unconsciously, he is still small, he has an immature nervous system, he cannot control his emotions."

But, when at the next seizure a plate of food flew at me, then I could not stand it. I began to scream at him. In a fit of anger I said a lot of bad things (I won’t go into details). When Nikita cried, I realized that I was wrong and, with tears in my eyes, rushed to him to regret.

But the “beatings” did not end, but, on the contrary, were accompanied by even greater cruelty. I realized that I need to act. I connected the whole family to the process - the eldest daughter, my husband, warned grandparents.

First, we started talking to him all together, explaining that you can’t do this, it’s ugly, it hurts mom, it’s useless. Then we began to play with him, to play skits, thereby demonstrating that his behavior was wrong - and again in vain.

And then my peace came to an end, however, like other participants in the educational process. I decided to outline what is permitted. Yes, I began to scream, even yell (may all the psychologists of the world forgive me).

I read the advice on the Internet: more clearly indicate the boundaries of what is permitted, but, of course, do not beat in response, but respond, for example, with a sharp loud sound. I decided to angrily tap my hand on the table - the baby was scared and, instead of hitting, pressed against me. Since then, he has waved, and I do so. I also teach to apologize when I offended my mother. Now, if a relapse happens, immediately cries, hugs and strokes me. Although, in general, the impulses to hit very quickly came to naught.

Each time, when he was going to turn on the “demon”, he loudly said something like “enough”, “stop”, “no need”.The child gradually began to understand that it was impossible to do this, it annoyed and angered mom. Soon Nikita finally abandoned this bad habit.

READ ALSO: What to do if the child does not obey you

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