What a child can and should be able to do at 9 months

The ninth month of a child’s life in pediatricians is called an epicrisis period - the moment when the baby’s skills and abilities are evaluated in detail. Today we’ll talk about what a child must be at 9 months of age to pay attention to all aspects of its development.

Nine months is an amazing age! The baby spent nine months of his life under your heart, nine months he already lives with you. Involuntarily drawn to romantic moods and thoughts. And what a child learned at 9 months sometimes surprises and delights even forever excited grandmothers. And only the baby does not share anyone’s thoughts, but simply grows and learns without even noticing it.

What a child can and should be able to do at 9 months

Physical skills

According to your child, just sitting in a crib or playpen is for babies, and he is already big. Sitting, a long-passed stage, he easily gets up from this position, is already firmly on his feet, even trying to walk near the barrier. Now you have to attach special pillows to the legs of the chair, the child will be happy to walk around the apartment, holding on to the chair. But with much greater pleasure, he will inspect his home, holding on to your hands. You should not hold it only by one handle, as the spine may bend, better give it both, or support it under the armpits (how to help your child walk) Or you can make reins from a long towel and drive it on them.

learning to walk

The playpen for many children is no longer a deterrent, they easily come out of it.

Do not worry if your little one seems to “go in cycles” in some kind of action, for example, creeps around the arena for a long time, the kid develops movement skills.

Most likely, he had a new wonderful toy simulator - SOFA! The kid will be happy to climb on it and get off, dozens of times a day! And walk along it.

But walking is not his only achievement. Now, if desired, he can crawl in any direction, even back to front. Or maybe turn around.

In the ninth month of life, the child continues to learn to crawl. Quite rarely, at this stage, it turns out to do it perfectly. Most of the kids still move in a plastusky way, crawling not forward, but backward. Well begin to crawl at about 10 months. For the successful development of the skill, it is necessary to teach the child, stimulate him with exercises and frequent laying on the stomach.


  • The child knows how to crawl well;
  • Confidently sit and sit without support for a long time;
  • Able to stand at the support;
  • Many kids take their first steps.

Emotional development

  • Your little son or daughter still adore playing near you. You are a source of confidence and peace for him;
  • Now it has become so large that it can feel anxiety and fear. Especially if you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment. In these moments he is especially necessary for you;
  • A new achievement, I learned to trick when you are going to do something that he does not like - to wipe his nose, cut his nails or put him to bed. Learning to manipulate mom;
  • A child of 9 months should be able to sit. And its already can accustom to the pot. This habit can be developed at this age quite quickly and simply;
  • In some issues, trying to be independent, for example, at the table. With ease, he pokes his hand in a bowl of porridge and pulls a full fist into his mouth. And it's just great, you need to learn to make independent decisions as early as possible!

9 month old baby dances all the dances, not yet learning how to walk 🙂

Games and toys

  • You will not believe it, but a child at 9 months old knows how to build a house! True, so far only from cubes, and only two-story. Which will immediately destroy. But this is only temporary! Soon he will learn to make them taller and stronger;
  • Play with the ball, what could be better! And take it with both hands;
  • He also really needs a variety of pyramids. The rings should be easy to put on the rod;
  • At the age of 9 months, the child does not yet have the ability to play independently for a long time. But he will play hide and seek and Ladushki with you;
  • A wonderful toy for a baby can be his own face. He needs to show the nose, mouth, eyes. Then he will gladly show them to anyone;
  • And such a wonderful game of Magpie-crow, when you give your baby a soft massage of your palms and fingers, will help a person quickly learn to speak. So “cook porridge” is on both handles;
  • A baby knows how to get toys out of boxes and hide them back, remove some toys from others, roll cars, can tear or crumple a paper sheet, show parts of the body;
  • He knows how to manipulate objects and toys (tear paper, crumple plasticine, knock a toy on a toy, take small toys with two fingers, large ones with his whole palm, leaf through books with thick pages made of cardboard);
  • Favorite hobby is scattering of objects. He is happy when he takes everything out of the cabinets and throws it on the floor;
  • The child really likes to listen to music and dance to it, stomp his legs and clap his hands;

Toys can now be bought without leaving home in online stores. Here is our new review section the best children's online stores. Choose toys, read reviews and compare prices.


The babble of the child during waking periods is loud and emotional. Your baby now, “little monkey”, to copy everything and everyone has become his favorite pastime. He will repeat after you any movements, try to copy any sounds. And not only for you, “teachers” can be cats, dogs, birds. At this time, he will easily remember the names of the animals that surround him most often. No need to teach him distorted, “childish” names. Let the dog remain the dog, and the cat the cat. Over time, he will call them correctly, but for now only imitates the sounds that he hears from them.

For example, a development video:We teach pets. Pet sounds

Our new heading with educational videos for your baby. Learn letters and words with pleasure.

What to look for

All children develop individually, and parents should not worry if their baby does not walk and does not try to pronounce the first words. But at the same time there are skills that a nine-month-old baby must have. You need to show the child to a specialist if the baby is of this age:

  • cannot sit or sit. Does not keep balance in a sitting position;
  • apathetic, moves little and reluctantly;
  • not interested in toys, or books, or household items;
  • Does not roll over and creep forward
  • Does not try to take off his hat and drink from a cup;
  • Don't knock one toy on another;
  • does not repeat syllables for adults;
  • not embarrassed by strangers and not afraid of strangers;
  • Don't get angry if you take the toy away.

In the meantime, a real breakthrough has occurred in language acquisition, the baby has already said the first word. So, everything is going right.Soon, these words will be much more, and you will be proud to listen to how your child will read the first poems learned at family holidays!

We read a detailed article about baby development at 9 months (development calendar)

We also read: 9 months

We also read: Monthly development (calendar from 1-12 month)  | Skills and skills of the child in 1 year

Video: 9 months old baby

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  1. Alice

    At nine months my son did not sit in one place at all. I walked around the apartment holding on to a sofa or walls. Crawling like a cockroach. Correctly written in the article that they already know how to trick. When he stuffed something in his mouth, he crawled away very quickly, I couldn’t catch him. They also began to accustom the pot at the age of 9 months, but the attempt was unsuccessful. He categorically refused to sit on the pot, and if standing, he hangs himself in the pot a little bit, crawls away and makes a big puddle. I realized that the baby is not ready yet, we will study later.

  2. Marina

    My daughter is 9.5 months old, the whole short way of her life, she is a little fidget for us)) Very curious, we have an arena, but he never interested her, everything is written correctly, we are moving around the apartment, and look already will do, especially since she already takes her first steps herself, which causes me great delight and pride! She doesn’t want to sit in her arms at all, and she sleeps in the evening on her own, which is very pleasing to my back, since 8.5 kg of happiness is already hard to wear! Children are a joy, I really like to watch their development. Thanks for the article, you submitted a couple of ideas for classes to us, you did not know that at this age you can already teach your child to use the potty.

  3. Natalya

    Of course, I understand everything, but “climb” and “climb” is some kind of horror! Already such shameful mistakes could be corrected, I didn’t even want to read further!

  4. Natalya

    Some kind of nonsense is written, and not only because of spelling mistakes, I don’t want to read ((This is necessary not to have your own children to write such a heresy!

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