What a child can and should be able to do at 2 months

If the mother knows what the baby should be able to do at 2 months, this will help her compare the achievements of her baby with the average statistics and evaluate the first successes of the baby. Let's find out what a two-month-old baby can do and how parents can help develop a baby of this age.

Those who have recently become parents are always worried about their baby’s health. Despite the particular pace of development of each child, this process is still subject to general, long-established patterns. After the baby has passed the period of adaptation to a new way of being, his body and psyche begin to actively improve, changing almost daily.

what a child can and should be able to do in 2 months

At two months, the child is already showing such progress in all areas that it is impossible not to be surprised. It is about this age that we will talk today. This article will help parents understand what a child should be able to do at 2 months, and evaluate the first successes of their baby.

  1. At 2 months, the baby holds his head well and confidently. Being in the hands of an adult, he sees the world from a new perspective, which, of course, causes great interest in everything that happens. The child knows how to turn his head left and right, looking at everything around.
  2. In conjunction with the previous skill, the child has a so-called reaction “what is it?”. At 2 months, this is a reaction precisely to a sound stimulus: when a baby hears a sound, he turns his head towards its source. The child reacts especially clearly to the voices of loved ones, and he gives out another reaction to them, this time emotional. This is a smile (for more details, see the next paragraph).
  3. From the second month, the emotional sphere begins to develop. One of the most striking emotional reactions of the baby is a smile in response to the voice or appearance of a loved one. First smiles children are usually involuntary and occur in a dream. In contrast, the smile of a two-month-old baby already definitely expresses his joy from being close to an adult. It’s enough for the baby to hear his mother’s voice to smile joyfully, because mother is an island of stability and security in an as yet unknown world.
  4. A child in two months is able to express his emotions not only with a smile. The range of his emotional reactions becomes more and more: facial expressions, intonations develop. At this age, even a child can cry with a different expression, depending on the reason. It can be indignant, calling or plaintive crying. Parents and those who spend a lot of time with the baby quickly learn to determine the emotions and mood of the child. The baby already understands that his crying becomes the reason for the appearance of his mother nearby.
  5. Big shifts are observed in the development of vision. The two-month-old baby is already able to focus his eyes on a stationary object.At 2 months, the baby is ready for a long time to examine a toy suspended above the crib. By the way, the mother’s face is the best object to consider, but since it’s hardly possible for mom to stand for a long time, bending over the bed, choose a hanging toy. A good option for a baby of two months is a bright ball, about the size of a human face. Another good option mobile.
  6. At the age of 2 months, we can already talk about the presence of prerequisites for the development of speech. In addition to crying, the baby begins to make the first sounds. Walking a 2-month-old baby has become louder and more frequent. The sounds made by the baby become clearer. They are mainly vowels - “e”, “and”, “u”, “o”, “a”. The child himself is usually very surprised by the sounds played, freezes and listens. Over time, the sounds will become longer, and will be pronounced more and more often.
  7. By two months, the child improves coordination. Muscular hypertonicity, characteristic of newborns, in the absence of neurological pathologies passes to the end of the first month, and at 2 months the child is already able to make arbitrary movements with arms and legs. Moreover, visually-directed retrieval called scientific language is emerging. Outwardly, this can be observed as attempts to reach the toy that is in front of the baby. No matter how simple this process may seem to adults, for a child this task is still difficult. The kid needs to use the eye to determine the distance to the subject, reach out in the right direction and to the desired length. Attempts to do all this appear in just 2 months.
  8. Lying on his back, the baby is actively studying its arms and legs, which often fall into sight. If a child puts a rattle in the handle, he will grasp it tightly and will also consider it. Many babies at the age of 2 months are already trying to try a new subject on the tooth. If the rattle makes some kind of sound - the baby listens and learns to connect the movements of its own hands and sound, that is, it begins to understand that the rattle is strumming because it shakes it with its handle.
  9. The strengthened muscles of the back and neck allow a two-month-old child to lift the head and hold it for a while, lying on his stomach. Often, a child generally tears all limbs from a horizontal surface and makes movements, reminiscent of swimming, with arms and legs.
  10. Speaking of swimming. At 2 months, the baby is really able to swim several meters under water. His “swimming” skills and the still present breath-holding reflex are precisely what underlies infants swimming. If you are a supporter of this type of physical exercise, or if there are any indications for water activities, two months is the time to start.
  11. Lying on its side, the child has already learned to roll over onto his back.
  12. The kid is already getting used to the standard sequence of actions that occur during the day, so you can be puzzled by the formation of the daily regimen. The order of the week is enough for the child to learn to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning at the same time. At 2 months, the baby is already able to distinguish day from night, and this skill needs to be fixed. A little later it will be possible to build a day mode.

In detail about the daily routine: 2 months baby day regimen

what a baby can do in 2 months

We also read: The development of the child in the second month

Now we see what a big step in development the baby has taken. When you are with your child daily, it is difficult to notice the emergence of new skills, so parents sometimes can not clearly see what the child learned in 2 months. Based on this list, everyone will be able to evaluate the development of their baby and help him learn new skills.

Previous month:What a child can do in the first month

Next month: What can a child do at 3 months

We also read: Monthly Development Calendar (1-12)  | what a child can do in 1 year

Video: what a child can do at 2 months

Nikita 2 months: what a child can do

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  1. Victoria

    I support the previous comment

  2. Darya

    I have the first thing that the second son is now 2 months old, he holds his head very well, especially on his tummy

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