“I gave birth quickly and easily, I didn’t even have time to get scared!” - stories of women about easy birth

The grass is green, the sky is blue, and childbirth is very painful. Fortunately, this is not always the case. We managed to communicate with the lucky ones, for whom the birth took place almost imperceptibly and almost without pain. Here are their stories.


Valentina, 28 years old

We planned our first child and were very looking forward. I am sure that the “interesting position” is not a disease, so from the first days I set myself up for quick and easy birth. But for some reason, the truth was worried that I could miss the fight. Despite the fact that most of my friends assured me that I needed to prepare for terrible pain and long hours of torment, I continued to insist on my own. Pregnancy passed without problems and complications. Until my birth I led a fairly active lifestyle.

And then the long-awaited night “X” came. Waking up at about three in the morning, I went to the toilet and realized that my water was leaving. Immediately she raised her husband from bed, called an ambulance, began to quickly gather in the hospital and prepare herself for hellish torment.

At the reception, they examined me and at 7 in the morning they sent me to the delivery room. There they performed CTG, checked me again and told me to walk more so that the contractions started. I did so, but my stomach started to hurt (quite a bit, even less than during the critical days) and I decided to lie down. Soon the contractions intensified. At that moment, the midwife entered the room to do another CTG. After the examination, she said that it was attempts, and my baby would be born in about 20 minutes. It happened! I gave birth at 7.30, getting off with just a slight fright!

Marina, 25 years old

The doctor who observed me all the time said that I was giving birth ahead of schedule, because the baby was the second, and the difference between pregnancies was very small. But I calmly reached 40 weeks. They did not send me to give birth, and I myself did not really insist - I did not want to do stimulation.

And on November 14, we went on a visit, but it turned out that the elevator was not working (I do not know, unfortunately, this, or fortunately ...). I had to walk to the 8th floor on foot, but to be honest, it didn’t really upset me - I decided that it would be a great stimulation.

We arrived home from the guests at about 10 p.m., and at 11.30 p.m. I felt a fight. Remembering that the doctor warned of the possibility of a quick delivery, we immediately went to the hospital. Everything happened in a hurry - filling out documents, examining a midwife and ordering: “Quickly to Rodzal!”.

pregnant woman

I hardly remember how I ran there and put on compression stockings. From the excitement, and from the fact that I was in such a hurry, I did not feel pain at all. However, the doctors were not in a hurry. They told me to lie down and wait, which I actually did. The nurse did the CTG (this moment was the most unpleasant for me!).Then a doctor came from the ward. He looked at me in surprise: “How? Have you not yet given birth? ”

Then another midwife came in to pierce the bubble. I put on gloves, did everything and just started putting on a new pair (change gloves), as my child literally fell into her arms :). Then she also scolded me, because they should not be examined without gloves. But I didn’t care: I cried with happiness and hugged my newborn daughter. The clock showed 01.15.

Now I agree that “fast delivery is wonderful, easy, fast and painless.” True, I had a cervical dissection, so I still had to suffer after childbirth. They sewed me up without anesthesia, I screamed from severe pain, which could not even be compared with contractions.

Video story of Olya (Mishutka’s mother). Easy delivery! How??? ❤My opinion. My experience.

Diana, 32 years old

With a second baby in 36 weeks I was put to preservation. On ultrasound it was evident that the internal pharynx opened, the contractions continued for 2 days. Identified some problems with blood flow, made droppers with magnesia. On the 3rd day, the contractions stopped, but the tone was terrible, every ten to twenty minutes. The doctor said that this is normal, there is nothing to fear.

In the evening, I felt a heavy weight in the lower abdomen and heard a click. I was scared and only decided to lie down, when another click came. After that, water began to flow away from me. I woke up my roommates with a cry of "Girls, I seem to give birth!" At first, no one believed me. The husband generally shouted into the phone: “Where? It is too early! Do not!". But the process has already begun.

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I went to the post - there I saw 3 more giving birth and a dumbfounded nurse. The doctor checked that the water was leaking and said that she was going to collect things. I was not in a hurry, because I understood that now they would tie me to the bed - and that’s all. I came to Rhodesal only an hour later. There is another examination - the uterus is not ready for childbirth, there was no disclosure. They decided to do a cesarean, but first they called the department.

She looked, and the uterus opened by 4 fingers. Shocked doctor with the words "Well, you're a miracle!" leads to the prenatal ward. There are four of us. I lie with a smile, the fights are on, but bearable, I am resting between fights. They did CTG and told them to lie down for 15 minutes. I went to give birth first, as attempts began immediately after the procedure. The son appeared literally 10 minutes later.

I do not get tired of thanking God for a quick and easy birth. I can give advice to expectant mothers - do not be afraid, think about the baby and that all this will end soon. A positive attitude and self-confidence is very important.

Another easy birth video story

Elena, 26 years old

On the 37th week of pregnancy I got a cork. I did not attach much importance to this, because during the first pregnancy it happened exactly a month before the DA. At 5 am, my stomach began to ache. I attributed it to training fights and was not afraid at all. After dinner, went to bed, woke up - everything pulls and pulls. The thought flickered in my head: “What if it has already begun?”, But I was baffled at different intervals — then 15 minutes, then half an hour.

At 22.30 the husband forcibly put him in a car and drove to the hospital - let them at least look. It turned out that I had been in childbirth for a long time, and the neck was already opened by 7.5 fingers. When the bubble broke, there was a fight, but I didn’t even feel it. Doctors were in a panic. They gave some medicine. After him, I began to feel at least a little something, but it was not very painful. All the time I talked with my sister on the phone. She was an obstetrician herself and could not believe that contractions could be so easy. But most of all I remember how I told her: “That's it, I’ll call you back, they told me to go to Rodzal.” At 11.45 I gave birth without breaks. The husband did not even have time to get home during this time. They still talked for a long time about my beautiful birth and about how “I was so lucky!”

Says EXPERT: What is the secret to successful childbirth? Easy birth. What you need to know when preparing for childbirth?

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  1. Natalya

    My birth passed easily and quickly, although they were the first. I just did not think how and with whom I would give birth. It just worked - walked, eat right. No breaks, stimulation, complications. It is much easier to give birth than to bring a baby of 9 months. The big belly gave fatigue strong both on the physical plane and on the emotional. For me it’s better to give birth a couple of times than to relive those long 9 months.

  2. Olga

    The most important thing is a sober meaningful awareness of what is happening. And no matter how much we are taught in all sorts of preparation courses for childbirth, a lot of pain and desire overlap, so that everything ends soon. And this is bad, and so it was with me. During childbirth, I completely forgot how to breathe and could not pull myself together. Although until recently I was in a positive mood and hoped to give birth quickly and get off with a slight fright

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