10 dangerous things that many mothers do with babies

10 things that seem to young mothers to be quite normal and harmless, but actually can harm the physical health and mental state of the newborn.

Newborn children are very vulnerable, fragile and tender creatures. And their mothers are exhausted, tortured and tired. That is why they unwittingly can sometimes do something that can harm the baby.

mother with baby

  1. Do not help baby spit up. This is not very pleasant, but necessary for the health of the crumbs. Excess air and an excess of milk will cause discomfort to the baby (and mother).
  2. They offer the child water, dope. Modern experts say that babies do not need water at all: neither to those who drink their mother’s milk, nor to “artificers”. There will be enough milk or a mixture. The seemingly harmless “little water” gives a tremendous load on the kidneys of the crumbs and can provoke toxic shock. We read a detailed article about Is it necessary (and is it possible) to give water to newborns with breast, artificial, mixed feeding? Hiccup water.
  3. Use ordinary powder. Certified baby detergents and powders created specifically for children's items are not just tricks by marketers. “Adult” powders really contain a lot of harmful chemicals that will accumulate in the body of the child.
  4. They invite everyone to visit in a row. Doctors advise to follow the advice of grandmothers and not to let anyone who wants to visit the baby into the house (at least in the first weeks). And no kisses in the face - it is proved that this is the best way to transmit infections.
  5. Decorate the crib. Bows and decorations, bumpers, ruffles, pads - this is very cute, but unsafe. To reduce the risk of SIDS, remove all excess objects and leave only a comfortable hard mattress and a sheet with an elastic band.
  6. Put to sleep in a car seat or a deck chair. Many children fall asleep well in these “cribs”, but doctors do not recommend rocking children in this way: this is detrimental to a fragile spine.
  7. Do not spread on the stomach. Many children do not like it when parents put them on their tummy and they begin to protest loudly against this procedure, but each baby must learn to raise and keep your head on your tummy, - This is a vital skill for a newborn baby. We read an article about how to lay the baby on the tummy.
  8. Use cotton buds to clean your ears. This is a vulnerable part of the body, and especially in babies. Remember: you can’t get into the ears of the newborn. Even “special” baby sticks with limiters can injure the baby and this can end badly. Carefully remove the discharge that appears at the outlet of the ear canal. We also read: Proper care for the ears of a newborn baby.
  9. Allow you to use gadgets. Modern children can stick to a tablet or smartphone for several months now.Mommies will turn on bright cartoons and rejoice at the suddenly appeared free time, but they do not think about how harmful it is. The eyesight, hearing and nervous system of the child suffers. The effect of the tablet on the child: 10 reasons to say NO to your tablet!
  10. Forget about thorough sterilization of objects. In no case should you lick your nipple - this is not hygienic! Yes, and microbes do not sleep!

We also read on the topic of errors:

My mistakes with newborns

Mistakes of Olya, mother of Mishutka

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  1. Anastasia

    I add that you can not accustom the child to motion sickness. Many times I saw mothers shaking and rolling strollers so that the child would sleep. As a result, the child does not fall asleep without motion sickness. They also teach you to sleep with you in the same bed, it is also unhygienic and difficult subsequently for a child to sleep in his bed. Well and Be sure, if your baby sleeps on his stomach, take care that the baby does not suffocate.

  2. Zoya

    The son resisted when he laid him on his tummy, he shouted so loudly that rather, for the sake of his peace of mind, he didn’t do it for a while, it’s good that his mother prompted, protested a little and stopped, the main thing is to do it right. I guessed about the tablet, but I stuck into it myself, I will be corrected.

  3. Materinstvo.Info

    Parents who take care of their children and constantly interfere in their affairs do this, of course, out of love. However, with good intentions, caring mother and father prevent children from becoming independent adults and achieve success in life.

  4. Vera

    But nothing that can be spread on the tummy until the umbilical wound heals?

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