The main misconceptions in the care of newborns

After the birth of the long-awaited baby, all parents are ready for any action for the comfort and well-being of the baby, because he looks so touching and unprotected. But after the appearance of crumbs, relatives have a lot of fears and doubts associated with the fear of harming the child, as well as the huge contradictory recommendations for care from others. Often young parents, with no experience, are too zealous in their care, taking seriously many misconceptions about caring. To avoid following their example, check out the most common of these misconceptions.


“Breasts do not need water, they get it from milk andBreast must drink all the time ”

The first erroneous opinion is that water is optional in the baby’s diet. First of all, it depends on the method of feeding the baby. If the baby eats only breast milk, then with it he receives all the necessary components. If the child is on artificial (or mixed) feeding, then water in his diet is required. Ideally, up to six months, its norm per day should be about 200 ml.

Remember! In no case do not water the baby with tap water. The pharmacy sells special distilled water for infants.

The baby’s very sensitive and fragile body is so arranged that water in the first months of life gives it a feeling of fullness, which entails giving up the breast, thereby limiting the receipt of all useful components. Breasts should be watered after breastfeeding. Artists are another matter. Such babies are watered between feedings. In any case, you need to drink the children with any restless behavior.

We also read: Is it necessary (and is it possible) to give water to newborns with breast, artificial, mixed feeding? Hiccup water

“Do not accustom the baby to the hands”

Psychologists are convinced that maternal hugs are very important for babies, as they give them a sense of calm and security. If you constantly restrict the child from the mother’s hands, then in the future the baby can grow up into a reserved person who has communication problems. If at the moment of crying and anxiety the child is immediately picked up, then with a mother's embrace he receives a feeling of security, care and love.Qualified pediatricians advise parents of artificial feeding babies to take them in their arms during the feeding period specifically for these purposes.

“Let the child scream, the voice will be louder”


If a umbilical wound your little one has not yet healed enough, always try to calm your child. With severe crying, increased pressure in the umbilical region occurs. This increases the risk of bleeding and slows healing.

“Disposable diaper slows potty training”

No doubt disposable diapers when caring for a baby are very indispensable. There is an erroneous opinion that a disposable diaper, due to its functionality, only delays the accustoming to an independent trip to the pot. The formation of potty training skills is due to the functioning of the intestines and bladder. This process is very individual, but on average, accustoming to conscious independent emptying occurs at the age of 18-36 months. Being in the diaper, the little one really feels comfortable and dry, but periodically it is necessary to seat the child on the pot in order to gradually accustom him to the skills of independent emptying.

We also read: how to teach a child a potty

“The baby must live in sterile conditions and no pets”

It is believed that the conditions in which the baby grows and develops should be as sterile as possible. However, for the normal functioning of its immune system, you do not need to sterilize milk bottles and boil bathing water every time. After birth, his body begins to develop immunity to all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, your baby is absolutely not defenseless. A constant contact with pets will help to avoid asthma and allergies in the future, or reduce the likelihood of their occurrence several times.


But this does not mean that you need to rush to extremes. If the umbilical wound has not yet fully healed, then bathing water must be boiled. This will help make it sanitized and soft. A baby bed is not at all a place for a dog or cat.

“All herbs are safe, so you can constantly bathe the crumbs in herbal decoctions and drink them”

All herbs have in their composition one or another chemical component, which affects a diseased organ / organism. Therefore, regularly bathing or treating the baby using the gifts of nature is necessary only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. In addition, using herbs, take 3-4 times less dry mix than in decoctions for adults. In addition to herbs, caring mothers often like to use soap for bathing, which is also not entirely useful. It is known that soap has a drying effect on the skin, so its frequent use can harm the sensitive skin of the baby. In addition, grass dust can provoke an exacerbation or allergy in a child, so you need to prepare decoctions without his presence.

“There are few vitamins, but an overabundance is still brought out”

Together with breast milk, the baby receives the amount of vitamins that it needs for normal functioning. But stuffing it with additional fortified formulations is highly not recommended. Hypervitaminosis is easy to acquire, but getting rid of it is much more difficult.

Remember! The whole process of vitamin therapy should be agreed with the pediatrician. Do not choose vitamins at your discretion, as this can be life-threatening for your child. We also read:What vitamins does a child need?


“The child needs a daily massage”

All necessary physical procedures should be carried out only with the prescription of a doctor, including massage. It is carried out in courses of 20 sessions no more, and to avoid over-stimulation of the baby, they take breaks of at least three weeks.


We also read: The right massage for the baby in the first three months of life

“Diaper rash is normal”

Diaper rash is a sign of poorly performed hygiene procedures or a lack of air baths. In addition, redness and diaper rash can be triggered by some allergic irritant (food, diapers, detergents). In the case of disposable diapers, you should carefully consider the choice of the right one. If you notice diaper rash on the baby’s body, use special powders or soothing creams. The use of baby oil is recommended only on flaky and dry areas, since excessive use of it prevents the breathing of children's skin.

Important! Do not forget to regularly wash off the powders and baby oils, since their excessive accumulation on the baby's body creates an excellent environment for the reproduction of all sorts of pathogenic bacteria. We also read: diaper rash in newborns - treatment.

When caring for newborn children, it is recommended that you purchase special scientific literature. When choosing a guide, purchase only those publications that are written by medical specialists. The main criteria for care are always: cleanliness, proper and timely feeding, as well as regular visits to a children's consultation. In addition, do not forget to walk and talk with your baby, as well as often pick him up. With a monthly scheduled visit to the pediatrician, do not hesitate to ask your questions, and then your baby will develop correctly without any possible deviations.

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  1. Olga

    Indeed, I agree with everything that is written in the article. Artists need water, we were born back in the summer, and we drank some water. I never had anything against diapers, because they make life easier for any mom. And of course, the most important thing for a child is love and maternal warmth.

  2. Svetlana

    My son did not drink water at all in the first two months. As soon as he understood that it was not milk, but water, he immediately spat out a bottle and cried. Therefore, having been tormented with water, we decided that it was okay, as he himself wanted, we would drink it. With three months already with pleasure he reached for a bottle of water.

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